You know the worst mistakes that mess up your chances of getting your ex back are usually made within the first 2-3 days of a break-up! These mistakes can cause you to lose all chances of getting your ex back.
So, avoid these mistakes that are really easy to make and can seem natural: · Don't beg your ex to come back to you.
This will not only make you look pathetic, it'll also decrease your ex's respect for you.
As a matter of fact, he/she might start pitying you and you don't want that! Your desperation might end up putting your ex off instead of drawing him/her closer.
· Avoid calling your ex or his/her family and friends.
Right after a break-up it's better to maintain no contact with your ex whatsoever.
Even if his/her family and friends support you and impress upon your ex to get back to you, and he/she does, it won't last.
Your ex has to come back to you of his/her own volition, not because mothers, brothers or others say so! · Don't lay the guilt on thick! Showing how depressed you are or how badly you've taken the break-up isn't going to work.
So, no matter how tempting or natural it feels, don't call your ex crying your heart out! And certainly don't declare your undying love...
· Don't convince yourself or your ex that you've changed for the better, so if you got back together things would be different now.
Nobody can change so quickly and your ex knows that!
So, avoid these mistakes that are really easy to make and can seem natural: · Don't beg your ex to come back to you.
This will not only make you look pathetic, it'll also decrease your ex's respect for you.
As a matter of fact, he/she might start pitying you and you don't want that! Your desperation might end up putting your ex off instead of drawing him/her closer.
· Avoid calling your ex or his/her family and friends.
Right after a break-up it's better to maintain no contact with your ex whatsoever.
Even if his/her family and friends support you and impress upon your ex to get back to you, and he/she does, it won't last.
Your ex has to come back to you of his/her own volition, not because mothers, brothers or others say so! · Don't lay the guilt on thick! Showing how depressed you are or how badly you've taken the break-up isn't going to work.
So, no matter how tempting or natural it feels, don't call your ex crying your heart out! And certainly don't declare your undying love...
· Don't convince yourself or your ex that you've changed for the better, so if you got back together things would be different now.
Nobody can change so quickly and your ex knows that!