On March 29, 2001 an Officer with SAPD was responding to a call for a domestic disturbance. A husband and wife began arguing when the wife tried to get away from her abusive husband. The two were arguing in a bedroom and the male had his back to the Patrolman when he attempted to separate the two. The male suddenly spun around and shot the Patrolman in the head with a Mac-10 semi-automatic handgun. The suspect then shot and killed his wife before chasing the woman's brother-in-law. After running out of ammunition, he went back into the home and got an AK-47 and shot and wounded the brother-in-law, and then shot the Patrolman again as he lay on the ground.
I was a rookie with less than 2 years on when this deadly attack took place. In the years to come I would experience more acts of violence involving breakups or divorces. How does it get this far? How does a woman find a man, fall in love and then face a life or death situation as she tries to leave him? The biggest mistake any woman can make is staying with a man who hits her for the first time. Shock and surprise are usually what follow an attack the first time. Excuses for his behavior are made, he was drunk, he didn't mean it, maybe I deserved it, I shouldn't have made him so angry. Being hit or physically attacked is your first real sign that danger is lurking around the corner. There are other signs such as your boyfriend or husband being quick tempered or verbally abusive, but those don't necessarily lead to being killed. A man who physically attacks you will attack you mentally and emotionally as well. A woman who stays with this type of man will usually bury herself so deep by the time she makes a break for it, she is worried about him ending her life.
The whole "if I can't have you no one will" is your warning sign. Seek help, tell somebody who will believe you. Contact agencies such as your local police department or woman's battered shelter. The idea is to get more people involved. I'm sorry but this is NOT an issue that you handle alone. If you are afraid almost to the point of feeling paralized, you MUST tell someone that you need help and that you need it fast! A man doesn't have to have a cache of weapons to be deemed deadly. His rage and two hands around your neck are enough to squeeze the life out of you. Signs of a violent man involve being controlling, telling you what you can or cannot wear, taking your drivers license or cell phone when he leaves to work, isolating you from your family for ANY reason. These signs can and will lead up to a physical assault or worse.
The officer above was a 25 yr veteran, and not even he "saw it coming". The man's wife was living with his mother and the mother called her son when the wife tried to leave. The wife had left one hour earlier but came back to pick up a few more things, that's when the husband left from his work and came home to try and stop her. Sometimes you have to cut your losses and start all over. This was a sad day for everyone involved. My message to every woman out there is this, you are not alone. There is help if you look for it, it is possible to break away from an abusive relationship. Tell someone! Get people involved and never try and do it alone. You are special and worth more than you think.
If you or someone you know could benefit from any of my personal protection products at www.concealedtactical.com please email me. I will work with anyone having financial issues, your safety and well being means more to me than making a buck. Contact me for details.
I was a rookie with less than 2 years on when this deadly attack took place. In the years to come I would experience more acts of violence involving breakups or divorces. How does it get this far? How does a woman find a man, fall in love and then face a life or death situation as she tries to leave him? The biggest mistake any woman can make is staying with a man who hits her for the first time. Shock and surprise are usually what follow an attack the first time. Excuses for his behavior are made, he was drunk, he didn't mean it, maybe I deserved it, I shouldn't have made him so angry. Being hit or physically attacked is your first real sign that danger is lurking around the corner. There are other signs such as your boyfriend or husband being quick tempered or verbally abusive, but those don't necessarily lead to being killed. A man who physically attacks you will attack you mentally and emotionally as well. A woman who stays with this type of man will usually bury herself so deep by the time she makes a break for it, she is worried about him ending her life.
The whole "if I can't have you no one will" is your warning sign. Seek help, tell somebody who will believe you. Contact agencies such as your local police department or woman's battered shelter. The idea is to get more people involved. I'm sorry but this is NOT an issue that you handle alone. If you are afraid almost to the point of feeling paralized, you MUST tell someone that you need help and that you need it fast! A man doesn't have to have a cache of weapons to be deemed deadly. His rage and two hands around your neck are enough to squeeze the life out of you. Signs of a violent man involve being controlling, telling you what you can or cannot wear, taking your drivers license or cell phone when he leaves to work, isolating you from your family for ANY reason. These signs can and will lead up to a physical assault or worse.
The officer above was a 25 yr veteran, and not even he "saw it coming". The man's wife was living with his mother and the mother called her son when the wife tried to leave. The wife had left one hour earlier but came back to pick up a few more things, that's when the husband left from his work and came home to try and stop her. Sometimes you have to cut your losses and start all over. This was a sad day for everyone involved. My message to every woman out there is this, you are not alone. There is help if you look for it, it is possible to break away from an abusive relationship. Tell someone! Get people involved and never try and do it alone. You are special and worth more than you think.
If you or someone you know could benefit from any of my personal protection products at www.concealedtactical.com please email me. I will work with anyone having financial issues, your safety and well being means more to me than making a buck. Contact me for details.