When you want to get your ex back it's important to make sure all the correct questions have been asked.
You need to ask yourself the right questions and you need to ask your ex the right questions, you also need to make sure your ex is pondering some of these questions to: Why did we breakup? Was it me, my ex, or both of us? What could I have changed that would have saved us from a break up? What can I now change to stop this happening again? Are we truly compatible? What am I looking for out of my relationship? What is my ex looking for out of a relationship? Once you've asked these questions you can then start to adapt, change and shift your patterns of who you are, how you behave and how your actions affect the relationship.
You need to also look at your style of relationship - Were you with eachother 24 hours a day? Then maybe you should give eachother a bit more space.
Or were you like ships passing in the night never seeing eachother or spending time together? Then maybe you should try and make sure that you have more quality time together.
It is important that you answer each question.
Most people think that if their ex left because they wanted to have more fun then to get their ex back all they need to do is suddenly look like they're a super-fun person and the problem will go away.
This is obviously not the case.
A break up is normally the culmination of a number of different problems and aspects and all need to be address individually.
To get your ex back you need to take each question and give it deep thought.
Sometimes the answer may be painful or hard to swallow.
Sometimes the answer may seem to go against everything you believe and you may totally disagree with the answer, but this is not a time for your opinion, it is a time for discovering the real causes as to why your ex left.
Take some serious time to answer each question and then look at the ways to rectify the situation which may be done through adapting yourself, having a different approach, or simply treating the relationship in a different way.
This well help you learn more about yourself and relationship and will ultimately help you to get your ex back.
By addressing the points correctly you can find a way to not only get your ex back but make sure when you've got your ex back you keep them!
You need to ask yourself the right questions and you need to ask your ex the right questions, you also need to make sure your ex is pondering some of these questions to: Why did we breakup? Was it me, my ex, or both of us? What could I have changed that would have saved us from a break up? What can I now change to stop this happening again? Are we truly compatible? What am I looking for out of my relationship? What is my ex looking for out of a relationship? Once you've asked these questions you can then start to adapt, change and shift your patterns of who you are, how you behave and how your actions affect the relationship.
You need to also look at your style of relationship - Were you with eachother 24 hours a day? Then maybe you should give eachother a bit more space.
Or were you like ships passing in the night never seeing eachother or spending time together? Then maybe you should try and make sure that you have more quality time together.
It is important that you answer each question.
Most people think that if their ex left because they wanted to have more fun then to get their ex back all they need to do is suddenly look like they're a super-fun person and the problem will go away.
This is obviously not the case.
A break up is normally the culmination of a number of different problems and aspects and all need to be address individually.
To get your ex back you need to take each question and give it deep thought.
Sometimes the answer may be painful or hard to swallow.
Sometimes the answer may seem to go against everything you believe and you may totally disagree with the answer, but this is not a time for your opinion, it is a time for discovering the real causes as to why your ex left.
Take some serious time to answer each question and then look at the ways to rectify the situation which may be done through adapting yourself, having a different approach, or simply treating the relationship in a different way.
This well help you learn more about yourself and relationship and will ultimately help you to get your ex back.
By addressing the points correctly you can find a way to not only get your ex back but make sure when you've got your ex back you keep them!