If you have just broken up with your spouse or girlfriend and hate the fact that you have been spending sleepless nights alone and regret the fact that the break did indeed happen.
Well, you are not alone; countless individuals are going through this difficult phase even as you are reading this.
No matter, who the precipitator of the situation, there is still hope and certain techniques that can make your ex desire you again, provided you are ready to make changes in your thinking, habits and attitude.
Here are three tips that will help you achieve your objective.
Tip 1 - Find the reason for the breakup.
You need to introspect and find the exact reason why your ex left you in the first place.
Once you have realized the reason for the breakup you will be able to strategize on how to get her/him back.
Tip 2 - Get back your self-esteem.
Stop wallowing in self pity and behaving like a lost puppy.
Do not harass your ex or beg her or him to come back to you.
In fact you need to project an image that you are better off without him or her.
Getting you ex to desire you again is not going to happen in a flash and hence be ready to spend significant amount of time alone.
Tip 3 - Remember time is the best healer.
Since the patch up is not going to happen anytime soon, take some time off and avoid all contact with your ex.
With passing of time some of the bitterness will go away and you will be able to make use of the clarity to your advantage.
Giving each other some space and time will also rekindle the desire to get back together and thus make the reconciliation long lasting.
While you stay away from your ex pamper yourself and spend time with your friends.
Once all this has been done make efforts to meet your ex without appearing too desperate.
Have a heart to heart talk and show that you have really changed and are ready to make sacrifices to make the relationship last.
Be honest and apologize for the mistakes.
These three tips will have the desired effect and your ex will also start seeing you in new light and maybe she or he may consider coming back to you.
Well, you are not alone; countless individuals are going through this difficult phase even as you are reading this.
No matter, who the precipitator of the situation, there is still hope and certain techniques that can make your ex desire you again, provided you are ready to make changes in your thinking, habits and attitude.
Here are three tips that will help you achieve your objective.
Tip 1 - Find the reason for the breakup.
You need to introspect and find the exact reason why your ex left you in the first place.
Once you have realized the reason for the breakup you will be able to strategize on how to get her/him back.
Tip 2 - Get back your self-esteem.
Stop wallowing in self pity and behaving like a lost puppy.
Do not harass your ex or beg her or him to come back to you.
In fact you need to project an image that you are better off without him or her.
Getting you ex to desire you again is not going to happen in a flash and hence be ready to spend significant amount of time alone.
Tip 3 - Remember time is the best healer.
Since the patch up is not going to happen anytime soon, take some time off and avoid all contact with your ex.
With passing of time some of the bitterness will go away and you will be able to make use of the clarity to your advantage.
Giving each other some space and time will also rekindle the desire to get back together and thus make the reconciliation long lasting.
While you stay away from your ex pamper yourself and spend time with your friends.
Once all this has been done make efforts to meet your ex without appearing too desperate.
Have a heart to heart talk and show that you have really changed and are ready to make sacrifices to make the relationship last.
Be honest and apologize for the mistakes.
These three tips will have the desired effect and your ex will also start seeing you in new light and maybe she or he may consider coming back to you.