After the breakup, you are feeling miserable, sad, and desperate.
You want nothing more than to get your ex boyfriend back, but you must proceed with extreme caution or you could make a common relationship error that almost guarantees NO CHANCE at ever getting him back.
As much as you want to call him to whine, cry, or beg, you must NOT chase your ex boyfriend.
He will likely not take kindly to this behavior.
Attempts to contact him at this point and time, so soon after the breakup, is like to be ineffective and only cause to make things worse.
It can easily begin to feel, to him, as though he is being stalked and this is never going to be a successful strategy to get your ex boyfriend back.
You naturally feel the urge to vent your emotions and "cry it out", but do not turn to your ex boyfriend for this support.
This is where your friends and family can be of vital help to you.
They can be the shoulder you can cry on and they will be more than willing to take on that role for you - that's what they are there for! To get your ex boyfriend back you need to try your hardest to move on with your life and live it to the fullest.
Carry on as you always have - don't avoid places or your friends - and do your best to put on a smiling face and have a good time.
If you run into your ex boyfriend while you are out on the town, great! But don't overreact, just be cool, calm, and collected, and be polite.
You must keep the conversation short and sweet and act as though you are too busy to really take too much time for him.
This will throw him for a loop.
He'll see you having an amazing time and this will remind him of how much fun you were to be with.
Seeing you out and about - and always looking happy and as though you are having the time of your life - is going to get him rethinking his reasons for ending the relationship.
He'll begin to remember the good times and also that oh-so-important little factoid - when he lost you he lost his best friend.
With patience and efforts to carry on your life as best you can, you can get your ex boyfriend back once and for all.
He'll see the changes you've made and how much fun you are, and when he is ready, he'll call you.
He'll likely remind you of what a great time you had together and suggest a meeting to consider giving the relationship a second go.
You want nothing more than to get your ex boyfriend back, but you must proceed with extreme caution or you could make a common relationship error that almost guarantees NO CHANCE at ever getting him back.
As much as you want to call him to whine, cry, or beg, you must NOT chase your ex boyfriend.
He will likely not take kindly to this behavior.
Attempts to contact him at this point and time, so soon after the breakup, is like to be ineffective and only cause to make things worse.
It can easily begin to feel, to him, as though he is being stalked and this is never going to be a successful strategy to get your ex boyfriend back.
You naturally feel the urge to vent your emotions and "cry it out", but do not turn to your ex boyfriend for this support.
This is where your friends and family can be of vital help to you.
They can be the shoulder you can cry on and they will be more than willing to take on that role for you - that's what they are there for! To get your ex boyfriend back you need to try your hardest to move on with your life and live it to the fullest.
Carry on as you always have - don't avoid places or your friends - and do your best to put on a smiling face and have a good time.
If you run into your ex boyfriend while you are out on the town, great! But don't overreact, just be cool, calm, and collected, and be polite.
You must keep the conversation short and sweet and act as though you are too busy to really take too much time for him.
This will throw him for a loop.
He'll see you having an amazing time and this will remind him of how much fun you were to be with.
Seeing you out and about - and always looking happy and as though you are having the time of your life - is going to get him rethinking his reasons for ending the relationship.
He'll begin to remember the good times and also that oh-so-important little factoid - when he lost you he lost his best friend.
With patience and efforts to carry on your life as best you can, you can get your ex boyfriend back once and for all.
He'll see the changes you've made and how much fun you are, and when he is ready, he'll call you.
He'll likely remind you of what a great time you had together and suggest a meeting to consider giving the relationship a second go.