Pets & Animal Dog Breeds

Residential Dog Training - Follow the Right Sequence of Commands to Success

You are planning on getting a dog, or even just got yourself a puppy and residential dog training is part of the whole process.
You'll soon find out that your dog has a mind all of its own and his ideas of a good time aren't necessarily in sync with yours.
So you need to train him in order for the both of you to live together peaceably.
There are four important parts in residential dog training that go in this sequence: 1.
Command 2.
Marker 3.
Reward 4.
Release Take the example of a simple command exercise such as sitting down.
You would first use the command: "Sit!" in a nice firm voice.
To support this process you may want to raise the food or treat above their head, which forces the dog backwards onto its haunches.
Next, when our dog is sitting down, would be the marker.
This would be some kind of short signal to let the dog know it's taking the right action.
Normally a simple 'yes' would suffice for this purpose.
Say it in a nice voice that leads your dog to understand a positive reaction on your part to their obedience.
Step three of this sequence of residential dog training would be the reward.
Pass the treat carefully to its mouth.
Make sure that the dog doesn't take off from its sitting position.
This is an important part.
It shouldn't jump up to try and grab the offered treat, but receive it sitting down.
The fourth and also a very important step is the release.
Your dog needs to understand clearly when it is free to finish the action it's performing.
If the decision is up to the dog the obedience training exercise is left incomplete.
It might not be well remembered by the dog and also may not give you the desired effect of full obedience you were aiming for.
So, when an exercise is finished, make sure you release the dog, by even simply rubbing his sides and telling him 'yes, good job' or something similar.
During residential dog training it is important that you follow through on all four steps of the sequence for every exercise you two work with.
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