So you have a brand new puppy.
Congratulations! I bet you are too excited to share your world with your new found friend.
Puppies can surely make any household livelier and homier but they could become a really big pain in the backside if you do not train them.
If you plan to train your dog soon, here are some tips that you should keep in mind.
Focus on one command at a time.
Dogs have very short attention span so you should not bombard him with 5 commands in one sitting.
He might remember some of it if your dog is a genius but the tendency of giving too much information is that none of it would register to his head.
Just be patient and do not consider it as a race.
Teach him one command at a time and introduce another command only when he has 'mastered' the first command.
Use signals.
Dogs are very attentive to their master's facial expressions and gestures so you can use these to make him learn faster.
You can clap your hand,wave,tap your feet, while introducing a certain command so he will associate your gesture to the command and he would have a good recall of the command.
Make sure you are consistent.
If you tap your feet when you want him to roll, do not use that signal for other commands or else he'd get confused.
Use treats to lure and reward.
Your pup would get motivated to follow your commands if he knows that he'll receive treats afterward.
Give this after every command while patting him on the back and saying praises.
Treats can also be used to guide your pup in the right direction when you are walking him.
Simply put small chunks on the floor and he will surely follow the trail that you create.
Start leash training at home.
Leash training could be quite challenging especially if your dog is already all grown up.
There is nothing worse than being tugged around town by your big fluffy friend.
So to prevent this scenario, it is advisable that you do it at home first where the environment is somewhat controlled.
Once you and your dog are used to walking inside your house with a leash, then you are ready to step out and explore.
Don't spend too long on training sessions.
As I've said, dogs have short attention span so do not spend too long on training sessions or he would get bored and tired.
Worse, he could turn a deaf ear to your commands.
If it seems like he's not having fun anymore or he's tired, do not force him to continue with the training.
I hope you will find these simple tips useful in training your dog.
Do not forget to have fun because dog training should be an enjoyable experience to both of you.
Congratulations! I bet you are too excited to share your world with your new found friend.
Puppies can surely make any household livelier and homier but they could become a really big pain in the backside if you do not train them.
If you plan to train your dog soon, here are some tips that you should keep in mind.
Focus on one command at a time.
Dogs have very short attention span so you should not bombard him with 5 commands in one sitting.
He might remember some of it if your dog is a genius but the tendency of giving too much information is that none of it would register to his head.
Just be patient and do not consider it as a race.
Teach him one command at a time and introduce another command only when he has 'mastered' the first command.
Use signals.
Dogs are very attentive to their master's facial expressions and gestures so you can use these to make him learn faster.
You can clap your hand,wave,tap your feet, while introducing a certain command so he will associate your gesture to the command and he would have a good recall of the command.
Make sure you are consistent.
If you tap your feet when you want him to roll, do not use that signal for other commands or else he'd get confused.
Use treats to lure and reward.
Your pup would get motivated to follow your commands if he knows that he'll receive treats afterward.
Give this after every command while patting him on the back and saying praises.
Treats can also be used to guide your pup in the right direction when you are walking him.
Simply put small chunks on the floor and he will surely follow the trail that you create.
Start leash training at home.
Leash training could be quite challenging especially if your dog is already all grown up.
There is nothing worse than being tugged around town by your big fluffy friend.
So to prevent this scenario, it is advisable that you do it at home first where the environment is somewhat controlled.
Once you and your dog are used to walking inside your house with a leash, then you are ready to step out and explore.
Don't spend too long on training sessions.
As I've said, dogs have short attention span so do not spend too long on training sessions or he would get bored and tired.
Worse, he could turn a deaf ear to your commands.
If it seems like he's not having fun anymore or he's tired, do not force him to continue with the training.
I hope you will find these simple tips useful in training your dog.
Do not forget to have fun because dog training should be an enjoyable experience to both of you.