Have you just gone through a breakup and are now feeling lost, lonely, depressed, maybe even a bit betrayed? You come home every day and you sit in front of the TV watching love movies and eating junk foods to help you cope with the loss of the guy you thought would always be in your life? If you're trying to get over a break up you are not alone.
If you are experiencing these feelings, there are things you can do to lessen the pain.
Breaking up can turn you into a ball of emotions and you may not know what to think and so you hang on to false hope, this is the one thing that keeps people from moving on, Like thinking that you can get back with your ex, which will only cause more heartache in the end.
Why? Because you are not excepting that your ex has no regrets of leaving you, and that they are gone for good and by the time you realize this you have become trapped in an endless stream of torture.
Your best bet is to stop feeling sorry for yourself, accept what your ex has done by breaking up with you and move on with your life.
You can start by letting go; and letting go and moving on with life does not mean that you didn't care for your ex or that it makes you look like the bad guy, it simply means that you accept what has happened and you are ready to move on.
Besides, if you were on the receiving end of the break up chances are that there was a reason why your ex broke up with you, perhaps not a good fit in the first place and you will be better appreciated with someone else.
Finding all the pro's of your break up will help you in the healing process and start you on a new path to finding the person that will be a better fit.
One of the worst mistakes we make after a breakup is letting ourselves go physically, mentally, and emotionally.
We break down and spend too much time wallowing in self-pity, don't get me wrong we need that time but being in the pity mode for too long will only prolong the healing process.
You need to refocus your life.
Give precedence to your family, friends, career and yourself.
Find ways to fill that time, left unoccupied by your ex and try new things.
Push for that promotion, reconnect with friends or take a mini vacation with your mom or sister, whatever it takes to get your mind off of your ex and take care of yourself for a change.
Healthy habits are a key ingredient to getting over your ex, don't just sit there and commiserate in your anguish.
Things might be harder to fit in because of the added pressures at home and sleep might be elusive.
But all of the work you are doing to move forward in a positive way will be pointless if you don't make long-term healthy lifestyle choices.
Get out there and you might find yourself in a better place than when you started.
If you are experiencing these feelings, there are things you can do to lessen the pain.
Breaking up can turn you into a ball of emotions and you may not know what to think and so you hang on to false hope, this is the one thing that keeps people from moving on, Like thinking that you can get back with your ex, which will only cause more heartache in the end.
Why? Because you are not excepting that your ex has no regrets of leaving you, and that they are gone for good and by the time you realize this you have become trapped in an endless stream of torture.
Your best bet is to stop feeling sorry for yourself, accept what your ex has done by breaking up with you and move on with your life.
You can start by letting go; and letting go and moving on with life does not mean that you didn't care for your ex or that it makes you look like the bad guy, it simply means that you accept what has happened and you are ready to move on.
Besides, if you were on the receiving end of the break up chances are that there was a reason why your ex broke up with you, perhaps not a good fit in the first place and you will be better appreciated with someone else.
Finding all the pro's of your break up will help you in the healing process and start you on a new path to finding the person that will be a better fit.
One of the worst mistakes we make after a breakup is letting ourselves go physically, mentally, and emotionally.
We break down and spend too much time wallowing in self-pity, don't get me wrong we need that time but being in the pity mode for too long will only prolong the healing process.
You need to refocus your life.
Give precedence to your family, friends, career and yourself.
Find ways to fill that time, left unoccupied by your ex and try new things.
Push for that promotion, reconnect with friends or take a mini vacation with your mom or sister, whatever it takes to get your mind off of your ex and take care of yourself for a change.
Healthy habits are a key ingredient to getting over your ex, don't just sit there and commiserate in your anguish.
Things might be harder to fit in because of the added pressures at home and sleep might be elusive.
But all of the work you are doing to move forward in a positive way will be pointless if you don't make long-term healthy lifestyle choices.
Get out there and you might find yourself in a better place than when you started.