- 1). Select the mold for the type of toy you wish to make. You can use a pre-made commercial mold, or make your own mold by applying silicone around a clay model of the toy.
- 2). Apply baby powder to the entire surface of both halves of the mold, rubbing the powder in with your fingers to ensure full coverage, and tapping each side to shake free excess powder.
- 3). Place the two halves of the mold together and secure. With commercial molds, the molds may include nuts to fasten them; with a home made silicone mold, rubber bands work fine.
- 4). Pour an equal mixture of the two ingredients in the Easy Flo 60 kit into a plastic cup. Be sure to wear gloves and a respirator and work in a ventilated space when working with the kit ingredients.
- 5). Stir the ingredients thoroughly with a stir stick for 20 seconds, tapping the cup on a flat surface after completion to dislodge any air bubbles.
- 6). Pour a small amount of the mixture into the hole in the mold, then swirl the mold around to get full coverage inside the mold.
- 7). Pour the remainder of the mixture until the mold is full, then tap the mold several times to free up air bubbles.
- 8). Leave the mold to sit for 10 minutes, then carefully pull the two sides apart.
- 9). Clean up the plastic toy, using a razor to remove any excess plastic, and fine sandpaper to smooth the surface.