- K-13 is available in six standard colors: black, gray, light gray, white, beige and tan. Additional colors can be specially manufactured at the consumer's request. The material used to manufacture K-13 must comply with the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) standard E-736 for field-tested bond strength in a period more than five years in length. This standard specifies that the material must have a rating of no less than 400 per square foot or 500 times the weight of the K-13 product when applied at a thickness of 1 inch. The material must also comply with ASTM E-84 and Underwriters Laboratories standard 723. These standards state that the material must have a flame spread and smoke development rating of 5 at a minimum thickness of 5 inches.
- Acoustic or noise reduction performance of K-13 is regulated by ASTM standard C-423 and specifies the noise reduction coefficient that must be produced at various thicknesses. The standards for solid backing are measured for thicknesses of 0.63 to 3 inches in application depth for 125, 250, 500, 1000, 2000 and 4000 hertz. The rating performance at 1 inch will range between .05 and .91 while the 3 inch range will be .57 to 1. The standards for ribbed metal decking are measured for 1.5 or 3 inches. The 1.5 inch material will perform in a range between .36 and 1 while the 3 inch installation will range between .97 and .98. The standards for fluted metal decking are measured for 1.5 and 2.75 inches and will range between .55 and .99 for 1.5 inch thickness and .69 to 1.04 for 2.75 inches.
- The unique application of K-13 reduces the amount of dead space or air inside the application area. This material also helps to fill cracks, seams and voids, which reduces and prevents air flow. It can be applied in thicknesses of .75 to 5 inches in one application sitting to provide insulation ratings, or R-values, of 3 to over 19. Application thickness will be determined in conjunction with ASTM standard E-695 for field test procedures as well as manufacturer's recommendations.
- The area being insulated should be prepared by masking, laying of drop cloths and covering of surfaces that should not be insulated as a protective barrier. Installation of K-13 should be scheduled to avoid conflict with other contractors. Priming of the surface may be required on certain surfaces. After priming is complete, K-13 can be applied with an approved spraying device according to manufacturer's specifications. After application is complete, insulation will need to cure. This process can be assisted through the use of natural or mechanical ventilation. Excess insulation should be removed and disposed of.
Material Specifications
Acoustic Specifications
Thermal Specifications
Installation Guidelines