- Paint walls before adding crown trim if cutting-in is hard for you to do. Crown molding is often a different color than the wall paint. If you want nice, even lines where the two colors meet, paint the wall first, then add the crown molding.
- Paint crown molding first, then the walls if you are afraid of drips. After crown molding is installed, putty and sand it. Paint it and then caulk. If you drip paint from the crown molding onto the walls, you may have to repaint the walls. If you tend to drip paint when painting, you are better off working top to bottom---painting molding and then walls.
- Carry a moist drip cloth with you at all times and wipe up slips and drips immediately. If edging looks sloppy, use a fine bead of white caulk under the molding to visually break the wall from the trim. Use painter's tape on drywall to protect wall surfaces along the edge of the molding when painting crown.
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