- Many "members-only" clubs have emblems and insignias that represent their club's name or theme. For instance, the "Hell's Angels" biker club uses the profile of a skull wearing a horned helmet and feathered head dress. The Knights of Columbus emblem is a diamond shape made of four triangles with a badge centered over it featuring a sword, hatchet, anchor an the phrase "K of C." Many loyal club members find that the club's insignia makes an ideal group tattoo idea for official members to share.
- If you come from a family of tattoo enthusiasts, matching tattoos sporting a custom family design is a way to honor your family name. For example, an Irish family may choose a four-leaf clover with the family name -- like O'Toole, McFeely or O'Connor. Families who wish to honor the memory of lost loved ones may consider getting matching tattoos that don the person's portrait, name, initials or an image of something that he held dear in life. Common family memorial tattoos include angels, tombstones and the letters "R.I.P."
- Many musical groups of all genres have custom-designed band logos that represent the musicians as a group. If you are part of a music ensemble, band logos tattoos are a common way to show membership and camaraderie. Music enthusiasts belonging to fan clubs may choose a band logo for a group tattoo to show appreciation for the band and inclusion in their club. Have the same size logo in the same area of your body, or allow for some originality by changing the size and placement among members.
- Sports teams of all levels usually have some type of logo or mascot. Whether you are a professional NFL player or an amateur weekend quarterback, a major league baseball player or college league alumni, tattoos that represent your team are an ideal design for your group. For instance, if you belonged to the Chicago White Sox you may suggest the team logo -- a single white sock within a black baseball diamond -- as a tattoo design for the teammates. If your college football team is called "The Indians" an Indian head design or tomahawk may be an appropriate group tattoo.
Club Emblem Tattoos
Family Theme Tattoos
Band Logo Tattoos
Sports Team Logos