You may have broken up with your ex lately and you want them to miss you so much that they won't be able to sleep at night just thinking of you.
It is very possible as long as you are willing to make some sacrifices the sacrifice of giving them space.
After your ex walk out on you.
You may find yourself being pushed by the unseen hands of your emotion to contact them, you will be pushed to beg them, to sing love lullaby into their ears or to do practically anything that you think will make them come back to you.
But unknown to you those things you are spending your time doing can only make matters worse.
Because it will paint you as a desperate and hopeless person in your ex's sight.
It may even make your ex want to take unnecessary advantage of you.
You will become as worthless as tissue paper to them.
So, if you want them to miss you, you will have to start with putting an end to all modes of contact to your ex.
You will have to give yourself some time out by giving them space.
That will help do your pride and self worth a world of good.
During this period you ex will notice the absence of your call and will start wondering what could have led to your sudden silence.
That is just the beginning.
Your ex will start thinking that you have forgotten about them.
Deep inside him/her your ex will find it difficult to accept you forgetting about them and moving on with life, they will feel you are leaving them behind.
They will feel they are out of the limelight as far as you are concerned and I can bet you that, they won't like that.
There is a great chance that your ex will finally make up his mind to come back to you.
It is very possible as long as you are willing to make some sacrifices the sacrifice of giving them space.
After your ex walk out on you.
You may find yourself being pushed by the unseen hands of your emotion to contact them, you will be pushed to beg them, to sing love lullaby into their ears or to do practically anything that you think will make them come back to you.
But unknown to you those things you are spending your time doing can only make matters worse.
Because it will paint you as a desperate and hopeless person in your ex's sight.
It may even make your ex want to take unnecessary advantage of you.
You will become as worthless as tissue paper to them.
So, if you want them to miss you, you will have to start with putting an end to all modes of contact to your ex.
You will have to give yourself some time out by giving them space.
That will help do your pride and self worth a world of good.
During this period you ex will notice the absence of your call and will start wondering what could have led to your sudden silence.
That is just the beginning.
Your ex will start thinking that you have forgotten about them.
Deep inside him/her your ex will find it difficult to accept you forgetting about them and moving on with life, they will feel you are leaving them behind.
They will feel they are out of the limelight as far as you are concerned and I can bet you that, they won't like that.
There is a great chance that your ex will finally make up his mind to come back to you.