- 1). Measure the width and length of the window casing with a tape measure. This is the area around the window, or the width of the wall space directly surrounding the window itself.
- 2). Mark the width on the trim pieces with a pencil and put them in the miter saw. Adjust the blade to a 45-degree cut (assuming you are installing a mitered trim). Position the blade so it is pointing out toward the thicker edge of the molding. The outer edge of the molding piece will be longer than the inner piece, where the pencil mark was made. Cut the trim pieces to size.
- 3). Place the first trim piece on the wall flush along the edge of the window space. Choose the flattest side to work with first. Level the trim piece with a carpenter's level, and then tack in a finish nail at the top and bottom of the trim piece.
- 4). Install the remaining trim pieces around the window. Level each with the carpenter's level before you tack them into the wall. Some pieces will not fit properly. If so, insert a small wood shim between the trim and wall to raise the trim piece and bring it into alignment with the remaining pieces.
- 5). Drive the tacked nails home with a hammer once each piece is properly fitted to the wall. Counter sink the nail using a finishing nail punch to about 1/8 inch below the surface of the wood.