- 1). Install a double face High ATB grind saw blade on your table saw. ATB means 'Alternate Top Bevel.' On this type of saw blade, the blade teeth alternate between left and right bevel. The beveled edges of the teeth work like a knife, resulting in a much cleaner cut than other types of blades. This blade is particularly good for crosscutting veneer plywoods and some laminate products.
- 2). Mark your oak plywood on the best side (the side you will use as your top side) and set your table saw to the correct dimension of your cut.
- 3). Draw a line the full length of your intended cut using your tape measure, straight edge and your pencil. (Make sure to mark the edges of the wood on both ends at the same time.)
- 4). Apply the blue painters tape along the face of the line. One inch of your tape should be on either side of the line all the way down the wood surface. Rub the tape in tight with your hand.
- 5). Turn your oak plywood sheet to the back side and using your end marks (double check the measurement), mark the reverse side with the same cut line as you used on the face.
- 6). Line your wood up to cut with the back side of the wood up and the tape (good) side down.
- 7). Using your protective gear, turn on your table saw and make your cut. You are using three protective measures to reduce chipping: the correct blade on your saw, tape to protect the edges you are sawing, and reversing your wood so that the blades work with you rather than against your cut.
Cutting Oak Plywood