- 1). Put a blank CD into your computer's CD drive.
- 2). Open Windows Media 11.
- 3). Click "Burn" at the top of Windows Media 11 and the blank CD will be listed on the left side of the program.
- 4). Click the "Songs" link underneath "Library" in the left column of Windows Media 11. The files saved in Windows Media 11 will be listed in the center of Windows Media 11.
- 5). Select the WMA files you'd like to convert to MP3 by clicking those songs.
- 6). Drag the WMA songs to the "Burn List" column located on the right side of Windows Media 11.
- 7). Click "Start Burn" at the bottom of the Windows Media 11 Burn List to place the WMA files on the blank CD. Leave the CD that now contains the WMA files in the CD drive.
- 1). Click on the "Rip" button in the top portion of Windows Media 11. When you do so, a small white arrow will appear at the bottom part of that button. The WMA files you placed on the CD will also appear in the center Windows Media 11 window.
- 2). Click the arrow mentioned in the previous step and a drop-down menu will appear.
- 3). Choose "Format" in the drop-down menu to open a second menu. Click "MP3" in this menu to change the format to MP3.
- 4). Click "Start Rip" at the bottom of Windows Media 11 to convert the WMA songs on the CD to MP3. The MP3 songs will be saved in Windows Media 11.
Burn WMAs to CD
Convert WMA to MP3