- 1). In your phone's main menu, look for the option that refers to roaming. Since each phone is different, consult your user's manual to find this setting.
- 2). Set your roaming option to "on" if you wish to use other providers' towers when your provider's towers are not available.
- 3). Set your "roaming on" option to a visual, or main-screen, icon. Again, since phones vary, consult your owner's manual. Many phones just have the word "roam" on their main-page screen that lights up when your phone is roaming.
- 4). If your roaming option is active on your main screen, you are switching networks to make and receive calls. You are not switching providers, just networks temporarily. Most cell phone providers have agreements that allow different cell phones to tap into their networks and use one another's towers to maintain a signal or "roam."