'Tis the season for self-reflection.
And that includes contemplating how a breakup changed your life...
for the better! Thanks to everyone who shared their lessons with me this year.
Here are some of my faves: Lesson #1: In the right relationship, you never have to apologize for or compromise who you are Have you ever been in a relationship where you couldn't be who you really are? Were there parts of your personality you felt like you had to tone down in order to make your partner comfortable? The truth is, in the wrong relationship we can't be our authentic selves.
In the right relationship, we are celebrated.
Even our quirks are accepted, even loved.
The beauty of breaking free of the wrong relationship is that you're now free to be who you really are, maybe even the person you're transforming into.
Maybe you wouldn't know that person if you hadn't gone through the breakup.
What a blessing! Lesson #2: In the wrong relationship, dreams go unrealized We all have dreams.
Some are not yet spoken, but they're lurking, bubbling, making their way into our conscious mind.
However, when we're in the wrong relationship, we may not be able to realize our dreams.
We may have to sacrifice some part of our dream life to make our partner happy.
Maybe our efforts are focused on fulfilling THEIR dreams, or maybe we know deep down that our dreams would intimidate our partner and so it's just easier to keep them under wraps.
Who gets the short end of the stick? Ultimately, you do.
Nobody else suffers from your unrealized dreams.
If you had dreams that were put on the back burner during a past relationship, now's the time to reignite the passion, allowing yourself to bring your dreams into your reality.
In fact, commit to realizing at least one unfulfilled dream in the coming year.
Lesson #3: Some relationships are temporary Not every relationship lasts forever.
But that doesn't mean the relationship was a complete and total failure.
It just means that your ex served their purpose in your life (and vice versa), but the time came for you to part ways and move on.
By giving thanks for the short-term relationships you've had, you learn to respect your lessons.
You also discover what you're looking for in your next relationship.
Instead of focusing on your breakups as failures, celebrate them for the beautiful life lessons that they are.
Lesson #4: Your gut will never steer you wrong How many times has your gut told you "caution," and yet you jumped headfirst into dangerous water? Whether it was a wrong relationship, a wrong job, etc.
, something inside you knew that things would not end up well.
But you went for it anyway.
You ignored your gut.
Consider it a lesson learned.
After a breakup, get reacquainted with your gut.
Promise to listen to it and honor it in the future.
Trust that it will never lead you astray.
The truth is, it won't.
What valuable lessons have you learned from your breakup?
And that includes contemplating how a breakup changed your life...
for the better! Thanks to everyone who shared their lessons with me this year.
Here are some of my faves: Lesson #1: In the right relationship, you never have to apologize for or compromise who you are Have you ever been in a relationship where you couldn't be who you really are? Were there parts of your personality you felt like you had to tone down in order to make your partner comfortable? The truth is, in the wrong relationship we can't be our authentic selves.
In the right relationship, we are celebrated.
Even our quirks are accepted, even loved.
The beauty of breaking free of the wrong relationship is that you're now free to be who you really are, maybe even the person you're transforming into.
Maybe you wouldn't know that person if you hadn't gone through the breakup.
What a blessing! Lesson #2: In the wrong relationship, dreams go unrealized We all have dreams.
Some are not yet spoken, but they're lurking, bubbling, making their way into our conscious mind.
However, when we're in the wrong relationship, we may not be able to realize our dreams.
We may have to sacrifice some part of our dream life to make our partner happy.
Maybe our efforts are focused on fulfilling THEIR dreams, or maybe we know deep down that our dreams would intimidate our partner and so it's just easier to keep them under wraps.
Who gets the short end of the stick? Ultimately, you do.
Nobody else suffers from your unrealized dreams.
If you had dreams that were put on the back burner during a past relationship, now's the time to reignite the passion, allowing yourself to bring your dreams into your reality.
In fact, commit to realizing at least one unfulfilled dream in the coming year.
Lesson #3: Some relationships are temporary Not every relationship lasts forever.
But that doesn't mean the relationship was a complete and total failure.
It just means that your ex served their purpose in your life (and vice versa), but the time came for you to part ways and move on.
By giving thanks for the short-term relationships you've had, you learn to respect your lessons.
You also discover what you're looking for in your next relationship.
Instead of focusing on your breakups as failures, celebrate them for the beautiful life lessons that they are.
Lesson #4: Your gut will never steer you wrong How many times has your gut told you "caution," and yet you jumped headfirst into dangerous water? Whether it was a wrong relationship, a wrong job, etc.
, something inside you knew that things would not end up well.
But you went for it anyway.
You ignored your gut.
Consider it a lesson learned.
After a breakup, get reacquainted with your gut.
Promise to listen to it and honor it in the future.
Trust that it will never lead you astray.
The truth is, it won't.
What valuable lessons have you learned from your breakup?