- 1). Use your hands to press around the mattress, checking for any areas where the coils inside could be crooked or squeaky. If you detect that the problem is in the mattress, you will only be able to get rid of the squeaking by replacing the mattress.
- 2). Use scissors to cut four pieces of scrap fabric so that they are just about the same size as the legs of the platform bed.
- 3). Check all screws and bolts in the platform bed frame, making sure that they are all tight and secure. Loose screws and bolts can result in a squeaking sound.
- 4). Remove the screws that hold the legs to the platform frame, one leg at a time, and scrape them across a bar of soap. Make sure the soap covers the entire screw before returning them to their original place. As you replace each leg, place a piece of the fabric you previously cut out in between the leg and the platform frame.