Is balancing your career and your marriage draining you mentally and physically? You are not alone.
Maintaining a good marriage takes time and effort but so does building a career.
So, if you feel that your relationship is in danger of breaking down then the following tips on saving a marriage will hopefully help get your relationship back on track.
You know you are fortunate to have both a good marriage and a career but it seems that the demands of your work are causing serious problems in your marriage.
The main problem in carving out a successful career is the amount of time you have to devote to it and this obviously means that you have less time to spend with your partner.
However, spending time with each other is not a luxury, it is a necessity.
It could be that the time you spend together becomes limited, snatched conversations at the kitchen sink, before and after work.
But that is a recipe for disaster.
It is imperative that you do manage to spend quality time together.
Quality time together gives you the opportunity to maintain that essential communication which will strengthen the bond between you.
Without it, you weaken that bond and the relationship eventually fails.
So what do you do? You need to plan quality time together.
This could be a specific night during the week when it is just the two of you enjoying each other's company as you used to do.
Nothing is allowed to interfere with your plans.
This is the time when you can discuss the good things in life - sharing memories, reliving old times and planning the future.
Most importantly it will give you the opportunity to re-establish what it was that got you together in the first place.
Another way that a couple may deal with the pressures of a demanding career is to agree on some ground rules such as the number of times that you work late each week or the amount of time you spend away from home each month.
Having agreed on them - STICK TO THEM.
This may be difficult but very important if you are to save your marriage.
Finally, DO NOT bring your work problems home with you.
Leave office issues where they belong, in the office.
Find some way to de-stress on your way home - listen to music, have a massage.
Ensure that your partner, or family do not have to deal with your bad mood.
These are some basic things that you can do to re-set the balance between your marriage and your career.
There are of course many other ways to go about saving a marriage and if you find that you have difficulty in coping, you should seek help and advice.
There is no doubt that the effort will be worthwhile.
Maintaining a good marriage takes time and effort but so does building a career.
So, if you feel that your relationship is in danger of breaking down then the following tips on saving a marriage will hopefully help get your relationship back on track.
You know you are fortunate to have both a good marriage and a career but it seems that the demands of your work are causing serious problems in your marriage.
The main problem in carving out a successful career is the amount of time you have to devote to it and this obviously means that you have less time to spend with your partner.
However, spending time with each other is not a luxury, it is a necessity.
It could be that the time you spend together becomes limited, snatched conversations at the kitchen sink, before and after work.
But that is a recipe for disaster.
It is imperative that you do manage to spend quality time together.
Quality time together gives you the opportunity to maintain that essential communication which will strengthen the bond between you.
Without it, you weaken that bond and the relationship eventually fails.
So what do you do? You need to plan quality time together.
This could be a specific night during the week when it is just the two of you enjoying each other's company as you used to do.
Nothing is allowed to interfere with your plans.
This is the time when you can discuss the good things in life - sharing memories, reliving old times and planning the future.
Most importantly it will give you the opportunity to re-establish what it was that got you together in the first place.
Another way that a couple may deal with the pressures of a demanding career is to agree on some ground rules such as the number of times that you work late each week or the amount of time you spend away from home each month.
Having agreed on them - STICK TO THEM.
This may be difficult but very important if you are to save your marriage.
Finally, DO NOT bring your work problems home with you.
Leave office issues where they belong, in the office.
Find some way to de-stress on your way home - listen to music, have a massage.
Ensure that your partner, or family do not have to deal with your bad mood.
These are some basic things that you can do to re-set the balance between your marriage and your career.
There are of course many other ways to go about saving a marriage and if you find that you have difficulty in coping, you should seek help and advice.
There is no doubt that the effort will be worthwhile.