Before you can win back your boyfriend you'll need to do something on your own first: recover from the break up. Once you've got a clear mind and a fresh outlook, you can concentrate on executing the right moves that will make your ex want you again. But until then? You're going to make mistake... after mistake... after mistake.
In trying to win back an ex boyfriend, girls make some of the biggest errors immediately after the break up. All of these will push a guy away, but some of them can actually end your relationship for good. Check out the following list of behaviors, and see which ones you might've committed already:
Constantly E-mailing or Text Messaging Your Ex - Keeping up communication after your ex dumps you is one of the most common mistakes made. You might be so used to daily contact with your boyfriend that it doesn't occur to you to stop. Staying in touch at this level might seem innocent, but what you're really doing is giving yourself false hope and prolonging your ability to accept the breakup. And although you may not want to hear this, you're also sending your ex the message that you're kind of desperate.
Stopping by Places Your Exboyfriend Might Be - You know him, you know his schedule, and you know exactly when you can 'bump into' your ex. Not a good idea. Even if you could make it seem like the most innocent coincidence, he's going to know the real reason you showed up anyway. And even if you could convince him, you're not doing yourself any favors by still seeing your ex. You can't get your ex back until you're over the relationship, and you'll never be able to put the break up behind you if you're stalking your boyfriend post-breakup.
Buying Your Ex Gifts or Presents - Maybe it was something you'd promised to get him, or maybe it was something he mentioned he wanted... but buying anything for your ex after he broke up with you is a sucker move. It's going to make him feel very awkward, and (if he's a good guy) he probably won't accept it. And if he does? You'll feel used for getting it if you don't end up dating again. Steer clear of gift-giving for now - he's not your boyfriend any longer. There's a time and place for such things: when you get back together with your ex.
Sending Him Cards - You can't send you exboyfriend a card after he broke up with you, even if it's the perfect one. In fact, get out of the card store because every single card you read is going to perfectly fit your situation. Every song you hear on the radio, all the lyrics... it's all going to apply to you. Why? Because you're obsessing over your ex. Let it go for now. Not only is it best for your mental state, but accepting things now will speed up the process of getting your boyfriend back.
Leaving Notes/Flowers on his Car - It only takes one late-night trip to a guy's car for you to be labeled a "stalker" exgirlfriend. Even if he still has feelings for you, and you for him, driving out to where he's at and dropping notes on your ex's car is always a terrible idea. He's not going to appreciate the sentiment, and he might even be a little frightened by it. Plus, he'll tell all his friends what you did. Word will travel fast, and the next thing you know you're that girl who hunts guys down when they break up with you. Not cool.
Calling Your Ex Just To Say Hello - Hey, guess what? He knows. He knows you didn't call to say hello, or to remind him that something he likes is on TV tonight, or to ask him if he thinks it'll be nice outside this weekend. After the breakup you shouldn't be calling your exboyfriend at all, you should be adapting a policy of no contact in order to make your ex miss you. He can't miss you if you're not gone, especially if you're always at the other end of his phone. Disappear for a while. You might not believe it right now, but eventually your ex will call you.
Exhibiting any of the behaviors above will sabotage your chances at winning your boyfriend back. Adapting many of them will completely blow it. If getting back together with your boyfriend is your end goal, you should be concentrating more on what you don't do... instead of what you're actually doing. That being said, there are still some definite moves you can make to increase the chances of reconciliation. Fixing your break up is all about keeping your ex interested in you, and the sooner you get started on that the better off you'll be.
In trying to win back an ex boyfriend, girls make some of the biggest errors immediately after the break up. All of these will push a guy away, but some of them can actually end your relationship for good. Check out the following list of behaviors, and see which ones you might've committed already:
Constantly E-mailing or Text Messaging Your Ex - Keeping up communication after your ex dumps you is one of the most common mistakes made. You might be so used to daily contact with your boyfriend that it doesn't occur to you to stop. Staying in touch at this level might seem innocent, but what you're really doing is giving yourself false hope and prolonging your ability to accept the breakup. And although you may not want to hear this, you're also sending your ex the message that you're kind of desperate.
Stopping by Places Your Exboyfriend Might Be - You know him, you know his schedule, and you know exactly when you can 'bump into' your ex. Not a good idea. Even if you could make it seem like the most innocent coincidence, he's going to know the real reason you showed up anyway. And even if you could convince him, you're not doing yourself any favors by still seeing your ex. You can't get your ex back until you're over the relationship, and you'll never be able to put the break up behind you if you're stalking your boyfriend post-breakup.
Buying Your Ex Gifts or Presents - Maybe it was something you'd promised to get him, or maybe it was something he mentioned he wanted... but buying anything for your ex after he broke up with you is a sucker move. It's going to make him feel very awkward, and (if he's a good guy) he probably won't accept it. And if he does? You'll feel used for getting it if you don't end up dating again. Steer clear of gift-giving for now - he's not your boyfriend any longer. There's a time and place for such things: when you get back together with your ex.
Sending Him Cards - You can't send you exboyfriend a card after he broke up with you, even if it's the perfect one. In fact, get out of the card store because every single card you read is going to perfectly fit your situation. Every song you hear on the radio, all the lyrics... it's all going to apply to you. Why? Because you're obsessing over your ex. Let it go for now. Not only is it best for your mental state, but accepting things now will speed up the process of getting your boyfriend back.
Leaving Notes/Flowers on his Car - It only takes one late-night trip to a guy's car for you to be labeled a "stalker" exgirlfriend. Even if he still has feelings for you, and you for him, driving out to where he's at and dropping notes on your ex's car is always a terrible idea. He's not going to appreciate the sentiment, and he might even be a little frightened by it. Plus, he'll tell all his friends what you did. Word will travel fast, and the next thing you know you're that girl who hunts guys down when they break up with you. Not cool.
Calling Your Ex Just To Say Hello - Hey, guess what? He knows. He knows you didn't call to say hello, or to remind him that something he likes is on TV tonight, or to ask him if he thinks it'll be nice outside this weekend. After the breakup you shouldn't be calling your exboyfriend at all, you should be adapting a policy of no contact in order to make your ex miss you. He can't miss you if you're not gone, especially if you're always at the other end of his phone. Disappear for a while. You might not believe it right now, but eventually your ex will call you.
Exhibiting any of the behaviors above will sabotage your chances at winning your boyfriend back. Adapting many of them will completely blow it. If getting back together with your boyfriend is your end goal, you should be concentrating more on what you don't do... instead of what you're actually doing. That being said, there are still some definite moves you can make to increase the chances of reconciliation. Fixing your break up is all about keeping your ex interested in you, and the sooner you get started on that the better off you'll be.