If your ex is ignoring you this is the most important page you'll ever read.
There are two techniques which you can use right now to make your ex stop ignoring you.
Your ex will be more receptive and will be chasing you.
Read this complete article to discover the two shocking techniques...
Technique #1 - Write a love letter Stop bombarding your ex with calls, emails and text messages.
They are of no use.
Your ex will run away from you if you continue to be needy.
You act desperate by calling them a hundred times.
So stop it and give them the space.
Write a hand written letter telling your ex that you think that the break up was the best thing for you.
You have to agree with them on that.
They won't side with you if you don't agree to it.
So agree to it and let them go before you pull them back.
For some people the letter alone has won back their partners.
So use this technique well.
Technique #2 - Curiosity and Self-Interest Text Message Send a text message to your ex that triggers curiosity and self-interest.
Here is the example of a message what most people would send: "Julia, please, please call me.
This is the 6th time I have called.
I really have to talk to you.
" OR "Julia, this is an emergency.
Please call me as soon as you get this.
" Both these messages sound needy.
Neediness kills of attraction.
When you act needy, you'll push the object of desire further away.
The two most powerful forces in the human mind are curiosity and self-interest.
It drives people and makes things move.
Here is the kind of message you must send: "Hi Julia.
It's Danny.
I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate what you did for me.
Call me because I really want to thank you in person.
" If you are a woman, replace appreciate with admire.
Want to know why? It's because of these two things: Women want to feel appreciated.
Men want to be admired.
When you send the message, your ex is gonna wonder.
They'll be asking themselves these questions: "What did I do?" and "Why Is He Appreciating Me?" This will make your ex think about you.
The more you make your ex think about you, the more they'll begin to miss you.
People fall in love by thinking about the other person.
Your ex will think about you in a positive manner despite of all the mistakes you did because you are appreciating them.
There are two techniques which you can use right now to make your ex stop ignoring you.
Your ex will be more receptive and will be chasing you.
Read this complete article to discover the two shocking techniques...
Technique #1 - Write a love letter Stop bombarding your ex with calls, emails and text messages.
They are of no use.
Your ex will run away from you if you continue to be needy.
You act desperate by calling them a hundred times.
So stop it and give them the space.
Write a hand written letter telling your ex that you think that the break up was the best thing for you.
You have to agree with them on that.
They won't side with you if you don't agree to it.
So agree to it and let them go before you pull them back.
For some people the letter alone has won back their partners.
So use this technique well.
Technique #2 - Curiosity and Self-Interest Text Message Send a text message to your ex that triggers curiosity and self-interest.
Here is the example of a message what most people would send: "Julia, please, please call me.
This is the 6th time I have called.
I really have to talk to you.
" OR "Julia, this is an emergency.
Please call me as soon as you get this.
" Both these messages sound needy.
Neediness kills of attraction.
When you act needy, you'll push the object of desire further away.
The two most powerful forces in the human mind are curiosity and self-interest.
It drives people and makes things move.
Here is the kind of message you must send: "Hi Julia.
It's Danny.
I just wanted to let you know how much I appreciate what you did for me.
Call me because I really want to thank you in person.
" If you are a woman, replace appreciate with admire.
Want to know why? It's because of these two things: Women want to feel appreciated.
Men want to be admired.
When you send the message, your ex is gonna wonder.
They'll be asking themselves these questions: "What did I do?" and "Why Is He Appreciating Me?" This will make your ex think about you.
The more you make your ex think about you, the more they'll begin to miss you.
People fall in love by thinking about the other person.
Your ex will think about you in a positive manner despite of all the mistakes you did because you are appreciating them.