Does it seem like everything you do to get him back turns out wrong.
Have you tried calling him and then pleading for him to come back? If this describes what has been happening in your life, I can tell you what to do to turn this situation around without relying on love spells or relationship advice from some agony aunt.
Right now, you want him back that's why you are reading this article.
However, if you are too anxious to get him back you could be pushing him further away.
You must realise that the harder you try, the more he will resist the pressure.
After all, this type of reaction is just human nature.
Try fighting against that and you will lose.
Perhaps you are always calling him, writing him e mails or sending text messages.
Are you trying to make him feel guilty in the hope he will return? If this is what you are doing, then STOP NOW.
You know that none of that is working, right.
It's time to try out a different approach.
First, break off contact for a while and give yourself some breathing space.
This will allow you to concentrate on a very important person - YOU.
Get back in touch with your friends and start spending some quality time with them.
Ask them not to constantly talk about the past, but to help you enjoy the present.
During this time, avoid the temptation to get in touch with your ex boyfriend.
This is very important; the time will come when you can make contact so be patient.
Remember that the thing to do is to get human nature on your side for a change.
Talking of which, after a few days of no contact he will be wondering what is going on.
This is something new and unexpected, he will start to miss you and this feeling will grow.
No doubt, he will hear on the grapevine that you are out enjoying yourself and he will be thinking about all the times you shared when you did things as a couple.
Now you are ready for the next step.
Get in touch by sending a short text or e mail.
Avoid the phone call as you have more control in a carefully worded message than you will have if you are actually speaking to him directly.
Your message should be along the lines of "how are you, I'm fine.
Just wanted to say that I understand that our relationship will never be what it once was, but I would still like to be friends.
By the way, I watched a great movie last night, I'm sure you would have liked it.
Its showing at ...
you should go and see it.
Anyway, must go.
" then send it.
Now you just wait.
You see you have opened the door to a non committal type of conversation.
He won't feel pressured into getting back to you, but he will feel more able to.
Chances are that he will get back in touch, but if he doesn't the first time you can try again.
Wait a day or two, and then try again.
You can mention something interesting that you have done and that you know he also likes doing, but don't ask him to join you.
Just leave that part to him.
This simple strategy is just one way to get your ex boyfriend back, and eventually it will work.
What you need to remember is that you are working with human nature and that eventually that will pay off.
Have you tried calling him and then pleading for him to come back? If this describes what has been happening in your life, I can tell you what to do to turn this situation around without relying on love spells or relationship advice from some agony aunt.
Right now, you want him back that's why you are reading this article.
However, if you are too anxious to get him back you could be pushing him further away.
You must realise that the harder you try, the more he will resist the pressure.
After all, this type of reaction is just human nature.
Try fighting against that and you will lose.
Perhaps you are always calling him, writing him e mails or sending text messages.
Are you trying to make him feel guilty in the hope he will return? If this is what you are doing, then STOP NOW.
You know that none of that is working, right.
It's time to try out a different approach.
First, break off contact for a while and give yourself some breathing space.
This will allow you to concentrate on a very important person - YOU.
Get back in touch with your friends and start spending some quality time with them.
Ask them not to constantly talk about the past, but to help you enjoy the present.
During this time, avoid the temptation to get in touch with your ex boyfriend.
This is very important; the time will come when you can make contact so be patient.
Remember that the thing to do is to get human nature on your side for a change.
Talking of which, after a few days of no contact he will be wondering what is going on.
This is something new and unexpected, he will start to miss you and this feeling will grow.
No doubt, he will hear on the grapevine that you are out enjoying yourself and he will be thinking about all the times you shared when you did things as a couple.
Now you are ready for the next step.
Get in touch by sending a short text or e mail.
Avoid the phone call as you have more control in a carefully worded message than you will have if you are actually speaking to him directly.
Your message should be along the lines of "how are you, I'm fine.
Just wanted to say that I understand that our relationship will never be what it once was, but I would still like to be friends.
By the way, I watched a great movie last night, I'm sure you would have liked it.
Its showing at ...
you should go and see it.
Anyway, must go.
" then send it.
Now you just wait.
You see you have opened the door to a non committal type of conversation.
He won't feel pressured into getting back to you, but he will feel more able to.
Chances are that he will get back in touch, but if he doesn't the first time you can try again.
Wait a day or two, and then try again.
You can mention something interesting that you have done and that you know he also likes doing, but don't ask him to join you.
Just leave that part to him.
This simple strategy is just one way to get your ex boyfriend back, and eventually it will work.
What you need to remember is that you are working with human nature and that eventually that will pay off.