Are you having relationship or marriage problems due to jealousy? Do you feel that your relationship is nearing its end and that your partner seems so far away from you? How to deal with jealousy is a question that almost everyone has asked at some point in their lives.
This is because you just cannot help but feel it whenever you feel threatened that someone you love might be taken from you.
It is a natural reaction from humans but for some, it can be a real problem.
For some people, jealousy is not something that you feel today and just forget about it tomorrow or even next week.
For them, it is something that cannot be forgotten no matter what they do.
I was one of these people actually.
Whenever I feel that my relationship was threatened, I would always go on a rampage and blame everything on my boyfriend.
My relationship was going on alright for about 6 months when I first noticed that my boyfriend was not as sweet as he once was.
Instead of talking to him about it, I just started suspecting him of doing things behind my back.
I was forming all kinds of stories in my mind and it came to a point that I was certain that he was cheating on me even though I do not have a single proof of it.
I was always blaming him for things that did not go the way I want and we were always having big fights over little things.
Whenever he was out with his friends, I was staying at home and pulling out my hair thinking that he was on a date with another woman.
I thought I was on the verge of going crazy.
I tried talking to my friends and they all said that I should just put it out of my mind.
Of course I could not do this, it was impossible.
At this point I knew that I as the one at fault and creating all of these crazy scenarios, but I just could not help but think about them.
I was desperate and knew that the only thing that could happen was that we would either break up or that I would go crazy.
That's when I read something and it just opened my eyes as to what was really wrong with me.
I found out that everything started with me and that in order to end this misery, it has to start with me again.
I changed my behavior and the way that I was looking at things.
I even learned techniques that I could do every time I was feeling some jealousy and it would go away.
My boyfriend felt it and he suddenly so sweet and thoughtful towards me.
The fights were all but gone and we were again at the state like when we first started dating.
It's a good feeling when your partner is crazy about you.
But ultimately, it was my own behavior and point of view that had to change in order for all of that madness to go away.
This is because you just cannot help but feel it whenever you feel threatened that someone you love might be taken from you.
It is a natural reaction from humans but for some, it can be a real problem.
For some people, jealousy is not something that you feel today and just forget about it tomorrow or even next week.
For them, it is something that cannot be forgotten no matter what they do.
I was one of these people actually.
Whenever I feel that my relationship was threatened, I would always go on a rampage and blame everything on my boyfriend.
My relationship was going on alright for about 6 months when I first noticed that my boyfriend was not as sweet as he once was.
Instead of talking to him about it, I just started suspecting him of doing things behind my back.
I was forming all kinds of stories in my mind and it came to a point that I was certain that he was cheating on me even though I do not have a single proof of it.
I was always blaming him for things that did not go the way I want and we were always having big fights over little things.
Whenever he was out with his friends, I was staying at home and pulling out my hair thinking that he was on a date with another woman.
I thought I was on the verge of going crazy.
I tried talking to my friends and they all said that I should just put it out of my mind.
Of course I could not do this, it was impossible.
At this point I knew that I as the one at fault and creating all of these crazy scenarios, but I just could not help but think about them.
I was desperate and knew that the only thing that could happen was that we would either break up or that I would go crazy.
That's when I read something and it just opened my eyes as to what was really wrong with me.
I found out that everything started with me and that in order to end this misery, it has to start with me again.
I changed my behavior and the way that I was looking at things.
I even learned techniques that I could do every time I was feeling some jealousy and it would go away.
My boyfriend felt it and he suddenly so sweet and thoughtful towards me.
The fights were all but gone and we were again at the state like when we first started dating.
It's a good feeling when your partner is crazy about you.
But ultimately, it was my own behavior and point of view that had to change in order for all of that madness to go away.