- 1). Open the "Start" menu. Click on "Computer." Select "System Properties" and then "Device Manager." Click the plus sign next to Network Adapters. Look for an adapter with wireless in the title. If you don't have one, install a wireless adapter by inserting the device into an USB port. The computer will automatically register the device. If you are unsure whether the computer has a wireless adapter, you can install the device anytime before, during or after setting up the router. Each computer needs a wireless adapter, if it doesn't have one built-in.
- 2). Unplug your Internet modem and turn off the computer. Connect the router to the modem with an ethernet cord. Connect the router to the computer with additional ethernet cord, which you can remove after you program the router.
- 3). Plug the modem into a surge protector. The surge protector protects the equipment from power surges. When the modem has established a connection, plug in the router.
- 4). Turn on your computer. Open a browser and type in the website specified on the router instructions into the address bar. Enter a username, password and network identification name. Click "Save Settings" or "Apply" as your navigate the pages. Disconnect the ethernet cord; you only need one connecting the router to the modem for a wireless network.
- 5). Click "Start," "Network and Internet" and "Connect to a Network" under "Network and Sharing Center." Choose your connection and click "Connect." Check "Save this Connection" and click "Close." Repeat on any other computers in your network.