- 1). Verify that you have the proper communication cord for your PLC. This can be done by asking the manufacturer of your PLC, or looking in your user manual.
- 2). Connect the communication cable to the PLC and the touch screen.
- 3). Program the touch screen to accept the data from the PLC. The instruction for this varies by touch screen manufacturer, but for all of them it means choosing a display and assigning addresses to the data for the display to make visible. The addresses will correspond to the addresses in the PLC.
For example, if you have a scale that is sending weight measurements to your PLC, it will have an address in the PLC. Let's call it SCALE. In the touchscreen, you would choose some type of analog display, for simplicity, we'll choose a numerical readout within a box (though it could be as fancy as a picture of the scale with a numerical readout overlay). The numerical readout will be assigned the address SCALE to correspond with the address within the PLC and that value will now be visible within that touchscreen display. - 4). Repeat step 3 for every device that needs data transferred.