A lot of people make getting back together with their ex much harder than it has to be.
It all comes down to one basic thing: If you want to get your ex back, then you need to be the type of person that your ex wants to be with.
While that's the truth, it is stated in the simplest terms.
And it wouldn't be much of an article if that's all that was said.
But no need to worry, what follows will help you patch things up.
So, how do you make your ex want to be with you? How do you appear likable? The big "secret" is to get them to associate you with good experiences.
With that in mind, here are a few proven ways you can do it.
1) Gloss over the negative, but take it seriously.
One of things you have to do when trying to get your ex back is talking about what went wrong.
That means dredging up some bad stuff.
However, don't get into any deeper than you have to.
Face up to it, yes, but only with the goal of getting past it so you can be together again.
2) Focus on the positive things.
While going through a break up is a very negative experience, and bad feelings were probably at their peak when you split up, you surely had some good times together too.
It doesn't matter if the good times you had together were few and far between or not.
You can use any of those positive moments as a way to get your ex back.
Your goal is to remind her, as subtly as you can, about those good times.
3) Make new positives.
As you are working to get your ex back, do what you can to create new experiences that they can link to being with you.
What happens is that they will be focused on the fun they are having, and your being there is only consequential.
over time, your ex will start to think of you as the cause of their positive feelings.
It all comes down to one basic thing: If you want to get your ex back, then you need to be the type of person that your ex wants to be with.
While that's the truth, it is stated in the simplest terms.
And it wouldn't be much of an article if that's all that was said.
But no need to worry, what follows will help you patch things up.
So, how do you make your ex want to be with you? How do you appear likable? The big "secret" is to get them to associate you with good experiences.
With that in mind, here are a few proven ways you can do it.
1) Gloss over the negative, but take it seriously.
One of things you have to do when trying to get your ex back is talking about what went wrong.
That means dredging up some bad stuff.
However, don't get into any deeper than you have to.
Face up to it, yes, but only with the goal of getting past it so you can be together again.
2) Focus on the positive things.
While going through a break up is a very negative experience, and bad feelings were probably at their peak when you split up, you surely had some good times together too.
It doesn't matter if the good times you had together were few and far between or not.
You can use any of those positive moments as a way to get your ex back.
Your goal is to remind her, as subtly as you can, about those good times.
3) Make new positives.
As you are working to get your ex back, do what you can to create new experiences that they can link to being with you.
What happens is that they will be focused on the fun they are having, and your being there is only consequential.
over time, your ex will start to think of you as the cause of their positive feelings.