Wondering whether or not you should send flowers to an ex girlfriend if you want to get back together? You're not alone.
Every year, guys just like you regret breaking up and think that doing something super romantic like sending flowers is the key to getting her back.
But is it really? Here's the deal.
If you send flowers to an ex, you're going to look kinda desperate.
She's going to definitely know that you want to get back together--which can be a good thing if she wants to get back together too--but you're really putting all of the balls in her court.
She's the one who gets to decide whether or not she wants you back.
Sure, that can work.
Especially if your ex is the type that really likes those kind of romantic gestures.
But you also stand a chance of creeping her out or making her feel uncomfortable.
When you want to get your ex girlfriend back, the best move is to be a bit more sneaky about it.
Try to casually run into her around town or send her an email just to see what's up.
You appear more laid back, rather than desperate.
It gets her to thinking about her and reminding her of what she's missing now that you've broken up.
Face it, nobody wants to be with somebody that's desperate.
They want to be with someone at their same level.
You need to be cool and casual if you want to win her heart back.
Don't make the same mistakes that others are making.
Every year, guys just like you regret breaking up and think that doing something super romantic like sending flowers is the key to getting her back.
But is it really? Here's the deal.
If you send flowers to an ex, you're going to look kinda desperate.
She's going to definitely know that you want to get back together--which can be a good thing if she wants to get back together too--but you're really putting all of the balls in her court.
She's the one who gets to decide whether or not she wants you back.
Sure, that can work.
Especially if your ex is the type that really likes those kind of romantic gestures.
But you also stand a chance of creeping her out or making her feel uncomfortable.
When you want to get your ex girlfriend back, the best move is to be a bit more sneaky about it.
Try to casually run into her around town or send her an email just to see what's up.
You appear more laid back, rather than desperate.
It gets her to thinking about her and reminding her of what she's missing now that you've broken up.
Face it, nobody wants to be with somebody that's desperate.
They want to be with someone at their same level.
You need to be cool and casual if you want to win her heart back.
Don't make the same mistakes that others are making.