This article is written for all the guys who got dumped but still want their ex girlfriend back.
Furthermore, I'm assuming here that she hasn't told you something like, "If you change this, this, and this, we can get back together.
" In other words, you've got to figure this out without her help.
Pulling this off can be tricky, but here are 3 things you need to do if you want to win her back.
Give Her the Right Amount of Attention When you are with her you need to give her the right amount of attention.
Most women expect more attention than most men tend to give them.
If you are spending most of your time watching the game or hanging with the guys, she is probably feeling neglected.
However, don't go overboard.
No one likes to be smothered.
It is a tightrope you need to walk, but lean toward giving her more attention than in the past and you will probable do well.
Give Her Appreciation Most women need to feel that their efforts are appreciated.
That means that you need to acknowledge the things she does for you.
Something as simple as saying, "Thank You for...
" can help a lot.
But you also need to show your appreciation by doing things for her and giving her gifts.
And you have to keep it up through the relationship.
If you can't appreciate her properly, you are doomed.
Be Faithful to Her This should come as no surprise, but cheating on a woman isn't good for your relationship.
You're not going to get her back or keep her if you are sleeping with other women.
Do we really need to discuss this further? There you have it boys.
If you do these three things, your relationship with her is going to be stronger.
But is that all you need to do to get your ex girlfriend back? No, sorry buddy.
This is just the starting point.
What you really need is a comprehensive plan of attack.
You need an easy to use, effective system to give you the best chance possible to win her back.
Furthermore, I'm assuming here that she hasn't told you something like, "If you change this, this, and this, we can get back together.
" In other words, you've got to figure this out without her help.
Pulling this off can be tricky, but here are 3 things you need to do if you want to win her back.
Give Her the Right Amount of Attention When you are with her you need to give her the right amount of attention.
Most women expect more attention than most men tend to give them.
If you are spending most of your time watching the game or hanging with the guys, she is probably feeling neglected.
However, don't go overboard.
No one likes to be smothered.
It is a tightrope you need to walk, but lean toward giving her more attention than in the past and you will probable do well.
Give Her Appreciation Most women need to feel that their efforts are appreciated.
That means that you need to acknowledge the things she does for you.
Something as simple as saying, "Thank You for...
" can help a lot.
But you also need to show your appreciation by doing things for her and giving her gifts.
And you have to keep it up through the relationship.
If you can't appreciate her properly, you are doomed.
Be Faithful to Her This should come as no surprise, but cheating on a woman isn't good for your relationship.
You're not going to get her back or keep her if you are sleeping with other women.
Do we really need to discuss this further? There you have it boys.
If you do these three things, your relationship with her is going to be stronger.
But is that all you need to do to get your ex girlfriend back? No, sorry buddy.
This is just the starting point.
What you really need is a comprehensive plan of attack.
You need an easy to use, effective system to give you the best chance possible to win her back.