All relationships have ups and downs, but sometimes you can get stuck in the down phase.
When that happens, it's time for a relationship rescue.
To rescue your relationship takes courage, commitment, and above all honesty.
Now is the time to acknowledge past hurts and resentments.
You need to address these with your partner in a calm and non accusing way.
Get to the core of what is bothering both of you.
Often times people carry around resentment and hurt because they feel neglected.
Perhaps your relationship has settled into the comfortable phrase.
Long gone are the heady days of romance and infatuation, where constant phone calls and sending cards and flowers were part of the norm.
No matter how rushed your lives are now, you must take time just for each other if you are serious about a relationship rescue.
Spend time focused only on one another.
Remember why the two of you fell in love.
Remind each other of what you appreciate about one another.
If both partners feel appreciated and cared for, much of the hurt and resentment will melt away.
Sometimes a relationship rescue is required when financial issues take a toll.
If this is the case, draw up a budget together.
Decide what actions you both can take to curb expenses.
Support each others' decisions, and don't accuse.
Finally, if your relationship is on the boiling point, you might need a breather.
It doesn't mean either of you have given up.
A breather can be just a long weekend spent away from one another.
Honest, solitary reflection often goes a long way to improving your relationship.
Most healthy relationships can be rescued from the brink if both partners take the time to communicate and learn to appreciate one another again.
When that happens, it's time for a relationship rescue.
To rescue your relationship takes courage, commitment, and above all honesty.
Now is the time to acknowledge past hurts and resentments.
You need to address these with your partner in a calm and non accusing way.
Get to the core of what is bothering both of you.
Often times people carry around resentment and hurt because they feel neglected.
Perhaps your relationship has settled into the comfortable phrase.
Long gone are the heady days of romance and infatuation, where constant phone calls and sending cards and flowers were part of the norm.
No matter how rushed your lives are now, you must take time just for each other if you are serious about a relationship rescue.
Spend time focused only on one another.
Remember why the two of you fell in love.
Remind each other of what you appreciate about one another.
If both partners feel appreciated and cared for, much of the hurt and resentment will melt away.
Sometimes a relationship rescue is required when financial issues take a toll.
If this is the case, draw up a budget together.
Decide what actions you both can take to curb expenses.
Support each others' decisions, and don't accuse.
Finally, if your relationship is on the boiling point, you might need a breather.
It doesn't mean either of you have given up.
A breather can be just a long weekend spent away from one another.
Honest, solitary reflection often goes a long way to improving your relationship.
Most healthy relationships can be rescued from the brink if both partners take the time to communicate and learn to appreciate one another again.