- 1). Measure out the area for your concrete slab and put wooden markers at each corner of the proposed slab.
- 2). Cut four pieces of lumber to the size of your concrete slab.
- 3). Dig a trench inside the measured-out area that is 10 inches deep. This allows you to place a 6-inch layer of gravel underneath the concrete.
- 4). Flatten the soil in the dug-out area using a lawn roller. Make the soil as flat as possible.
- 5). Place your cut lumber inside the slab area to shape the concrete. Use a carpenter's square at each corner to make the angles as straight as possible and hammer them together using 8d finishing nails.
- 6). Bend rebar pieces to fit around the corners and perimeter of the wood frame and hammer it into the soil. Use 1/2-inch rebar for most projects, but check your local building guidelines for the correct rebar size.
- 7). Dampen the soil inside the pit so that it is moist but not drowning in water.
- 8). Fill the pit with a 6-inch layer of gravel. Spread it out using a broom.
- 9). Bring your concrete mixing truck over to the slab area and begin pouring the concrete into the slab area in one corner. Use a broom with the bristles removed to spread the concrete evenly in the slab area.
- 10
Drag a bull float over the slab surface to remove excess water. Push the bull float to the end opposite from where you are standing then lift the bull float at the end. - 11
Allow the concrete to cure. Smooth the surface of the slab using a trowel once the water dissipates. Run the trowel over the surface until smooth. - 12
Place a plastic sheet over the slab to protect it from rain and to retain moisture in the slab. Water it down with a hose if it begins to dry. Let the slab dry slowly over a week before removing the plastic.