- 1). Choose the spot where you would like to install the fan. This spot should preferably get a good amount of sunlight. If installing the solar fan on your roof, pick the south-facing roof will usually get more sunlight.
- 2). Measure and mark off the hole in which you'll be installing the solar fan. Refer to your particular fan's specifications for the size hole you'll need.
- 3). Cut out the marked-off circle with your reciprocating saw. Make sure to wear safety glasses when using the saw. If you are installing the solar fan on a roof, removing the shingles with a utility knife before cutting will make this process easier.
- 4). Apply caulk to the underside of the fan's casing and press it into place over the hole. Which type of caulk you use will depend on what type of surface you are working with. For example, a rooftop solar fan should be sealed with roof mastic. Allow the seal to dry.
- 5). Screw the base of the fan into place using the included screws.
- 6). Attach the solar panel to the fan. Although this will most probably be done by plugging in a wire, some fan models will already be attached to its solar panel.