- 1). Decide where to cut the holes in the T-shirt. Tears can be located anywhere on the T-shirt: center three in a row on the bosom of the shirt, scatter a couple on the left- or right-front, or insert a few on one shoulder. Insert a safety pin into the spot to mark it.
- 2). Fold the T-shirt in half on the spot where you want to create the first cut.
- 3). Insert a small incision into the folded area with fabric scissors.
- 4). Tear the small incision with your hands to create a more natural and raggedy-looking tear. Stop tearing once the hole is as wide as you want it.
- 5). Remove excess fabric from the hole with scissors to create a larger gap, rather than just a tear.
- 1). Identify the side of the T-shirt you want to cut.
- 2). Cut a tall triangle into the side of the T-shirt using fabric scissors. The triangle doesn't have to look perfect, but the triangle should encapsulate the side seam and the shape's top point should stop 1 inch to 2 inches from the underarm area. Extend the length of the triangle all the way to the bottom of the shirt.
- 3). Cut six to eight holes on both sides of the triangle opening on the T-shirt. Make sure the holes cut into the left side of the opening, line up to the holes cut on the right side. Then, count the rows of holes you have.
- 4). Cut the triangle scrap fabric taken in Step 2 into horizontal strips. Make sure you have enough strips to match the number of hole rows.
- 5). Insert the strip of fabric into one hole, pull it through to the hole on the other side of the triangle cutout and tie it together. Repeat the process for each additional row of holes.
Cut Holes
Cut a Side Hole With Ties