- 1). Use software. The only known software that lets you change your Windows Key without reinstalling is a free program called Magical Jellybean KeyFinder. After you download the program, just run it and go to the "options menu." Then select "Change Windows Key." Now put in the new Windows key.
- 2). Follow Microsoft's instructions. Microsoft has a knowledge base article that gives details on the following process but says it will only work with volume licensing. However the previously mentioned Jellybean software uses this information for its program, so it may indeed work for retail versions of Windows XP.
- 3). Deactivate Windows. Go to the Start menu and click on "run." In the open box put in "regedit" and click "OK." Find the following key: HKEY_LOCAL_MACINE\Software\Microsoft\WindowsNT\CurrentVersion\WPAEvents. Next, in the pane on the right, right-click "OOBETimer" and click on "Modify." Change at least one character and this will deactivate Windows.
- 4). Reactivate Windows. Go back to the run box and type "%systemroot%\system32\oobe\msoobe.exe /a" and click "OK." Select "Yes" and then "Next." Next click on "Change Product key," type in the updated Windows key and click "Update." If Windows goes back to the previous screen, click "Remind me later." Now reboot. Repeat the first part of this step and it should tell you that Windows is already activated.