- 1). Print a reverse copy of the image you plan to transfer using a laser printer, or photocopy a non-toner-based image using a toner-based copier
- 2). Cut out the image, leaving enough margin to handle the paper without smudging the image.
- 3). Lay the image, toner side up, on your work surface.
- 4). Brush a thin coat of gel medium over the image using a foam paintbrush, taking care to cover it completely.
- 5). Apply the image to the tile, gel side down. Smooth the image gently with your fingers to adhere it completely while removing creases and air bubbles.
- 6). Scrape the paper back and forth gently with the edge of a credit card to burnish the image off the paper and onto the tile. Hold the paper firmly to keep it from slipping as you burnish.
- 7). Let the tile sit for at least four hours, or until the gel medium is completely dry.
- 8). Wet the paper with water. Wait several minutes for the water to begin soaking through the paper.
- 9). Rub the paper off the tile with your finger. It will rub away in small bits. Work gently. Re-wet the paper, if necessary. Take care to avoid damaging the image.
- 10
Allow the image to dry completely after all the paper has been removed. Spray or brush on a coat of non-acrylic sealer to protect the image.