You love your ex and despite everything that's happened, you want them back more than anything.
However, what you are doing at the moment may not be working.
Despite your best efforts, you can't help but feel that you are distancing yourself from your ex with every failed attempt you make at getting back what you lost.
Here are 5 proven techniques that you can use to get your ex back in record time: Have respect for yourself.
Though you may feel that you have no say in what happens and that you have no choice but to accept whatever your ex throws your way, you must remember to have respect for yourself and not give in to their every whim.
Don't act desperate.
Because emotions are running high, it may feel as though you have no choice but to grovel and beg your ex to take you back, but this is the worst possible thing you can be doing at the moment.
This strategy has almost a 100% failure rate and will only succeed in making things worse.
If you can't stop phoning or sending messages to your ex, you know how damaging this kind of behavior can be.
Take some time off.
Get away from the toxic conditions that you find yourself in at the moment.
Nothing you say or do at this point is going to help your cause.
Show your ex that you can live without them.
The very fact that you are getting on with your life is going to go a lot farther than simply begging them to take you back.
You are showing your ex that you have what it takes to get over this and that you refuse to be taken down by the breakup.
Keep them in your life, but avoid intimacy.
That ship has sailed and if you want a chance at another romance with this person, you may have to start from scratch again.
That means treating them as just another friend and keeping romance out of it for now.
Be charming, witty and fun to be around - you have to create attraction all over again, but it is definitely something you can do, given enough time.
However, what you are doing at the moment may not be working.
Despite your best efforts, you can't help but feel that you are distancing yourself from your ex with every failed attempt you make at getting back what you lost.
Here are 5 proven techniques that you can use to get your ex back in record time: Have respect for yourself.
Though you may feel that you have no say in what happens and that you have no choice but to accept whatever your ex throws your way, you must remember to have respect for yourself and not give in to their every whim.
Don't act desperate.
Because emotions are running high, it may feel as though you have no choice but to grovel and beg your ex to take you back, but this is the worst possible thing you can be doing at the moment.
This strategy has almost a 100% failure rate and will only succeed in making things worse.
If you can't stop phoning or sending messages to your ex, you know how damaging this kind of behavior can be.
Take some time off.
Get away from the toxic conditions that you find yourself in at the moment.
Nothing you say or do at this point is going to help your cause.
Show your ex that you can live without them.
The very fact that you are getting on with your life is going to go a lot farther than simply begging them to take you back.
You are showing your ex that you have what it takes to get over this and that you refuse to be taken down by the breakup.
Keep them in your life, but avoid intimacy.
That ship has sailed and if you want a chance at another romance with this person, you may have to start from scratch again.
That means treating them as just another friend and keeping romance out of it for now.
Be charming, witty and fun to be around - you have to create attraction all over again, but it is definitely something you can do, given enough time.