Do you find yourself missing your ex boyfriend? Although forget it if he was a total player and made you look like a fool, you certainly do not need someone like that in your life.
But if he was a total sweetie and you happen to be the one at fault, then why don't you start getting your act together, and get your boy back? However there are a lot of things that you need to do first in order to get your boy back and it is not as simple as looking like a total hottie - although that will be a plus.
So first things first, you have to ask yourself - and you better give an honest answer, "Do you really want to get back with your ex boyfriend?" This is because sometimes, especially if you have not been so lucky in the dating scene, you might end up craving for the good old days with your ex boyfriend.
So you really need to be clear with yourself if what you want is him or just the security of having a boyfriend.
The next question that you need to ask yourself is, "Am I really ready for a relationship?" Again, there are some girls who just cannot live without a boyfriend so try not fall for the same mistake and be honest with yourself if you can honestly, truly be a good girlfriend.
This means if you can be mature enough to really to handle being a good partner to your boyfriend this time around Being a mature and good girlfriend of course does not necessarily mean you have to smother him with attention or dote on him so much.
Believe it or not most guys actually hate this girly trait and would rather want a girlfriend who can be not just their lover but their best friend as well.
Someone who would not go psycho if he can't call/text every five minutes, who is secure about the relationship, who has a good career - and a life outside the relationship, who will also support him in his endeavors and will not break down when things get a little rough.
So in order to get your boy back you need to check yourself if you yourself, are truly ready.
Once you have already made up your mind into really getting your ex boyfriend back then it's time to see if he's available first - especially if it has been a while since you last talked to him.
If he is currently in a relationship though, just be happy for him and his new girlfriend and don't even think of breaking them up.
That is definitely not mature, if you really love your ex boyfriend then you would respect his current relationship.
However, if he is actually single then start making the first move by having a decent conversation with him over the phone or through a casual lunch out? Just make sure that you don't look desperate though like you are throwing yourself all over him.
But if he was a total sweetie and you happen to be the one at fault, then why don't you start getting your act together, and get your boy back? However there are a lot of things that you need to do first in order to get your boy back and it is not as simple as looking like a total hottie - although that will be a plus.
So first things first, you have to ask yourself - and you better give an honest answer, "Do you really want to get back with your ex boyfriend?" This is because sometimes, especially if you have not been so lucky in the dating scene, you might end up craving for the good old days with your ex boyfriend.
So you really need to be clear with yourself if what you want is him or just the security of having a boyfriend.
The next question that you need to ask yourself is, "Am I really ready for a relationship?" Again, there are some girls who just cannot live without a boyfriend so try not fall for the same mistake and be honest with yourself if you can honestly, truly be a good girlfriend.
This means if you can be mature enough to really to handle being a good partner to your boyfriend this time around Being a mature and good girlfriend of course does not necessarily mean you have to smother him with attention or dote on him so much.
Believe it or not most guys actually hate this girly trait and would rather want a girlfriend who can be not just their lover but their best friend as well.
Someone who would not go psycho if he can't call/text every five minutes, who is secure about the relationship, who has a good career - and a life outside the relationship, who will also support him in his endeavors and will not break down when things get a little rough.
So in order to get your boy back you need to check yourself if you yourself, are truly ready.
Once you have already made up your mind into really getting your ex boyfriend back then it's time to see if he's available first - especially if it has been a while since you last talked to him.
If he is currently in a relationship though, just be happy for him and his new girlfriend and don't even think of breaking them up.
That is definitely not mature, if you really love your ex boyfriend then you would respect his current relationship.
However, if he is actually single then start making the first move by having a decent conversation with him over the phone or through a casual lunch out? Just make sure that you don't look desperate though like you are throwing yourself all over him.