- 1). Measure the footprint of your washer-dryer unit.
- 2). Cut two beams to match the depth of the washer-dryer unit, plus 3 inches. For a unit 30 inches deep, you would cut them 33 inches long. Cut the remaining beams to match the width of the unit exactly.
- 3). Cut the plywood sheet to be 3 inches wider and 3 inches longer than the footprint of your unit. For example, a 30-by-28-inch unit would need a 33-by-31-inch plywood sheet.
- 4). Set both depth beams and two width beams in a rectangular frame, with the ends of the width beams abutting the inside faces of the depth beams. Screw them together using two wood screws in each corner.
- 5). Set the remaining three width beams inside the rectangle, spaced evenly. Screw them in place as you did the corners of the frame.
- 6). Set the plywood sheet on top of the frame. Screw it in place with a wood screw at each corner, driven through the plywood and into the beams below.
- 7). Paint or apply contact paper to the platform as your tastes or needs demand.