- 1). Obtain a used record player and a small plastic box. These can be found online, at garage sales or at thrift shops. Ideally, you should obtain a record player with multiple speed settings. Purchase a screw that is sized to the hole in the center of the record player. If you have kept the box in which the watch was purchased, use this box.
- 2). Measure the diameter of the screw. Insert a drill bit of the same size and drill a hole in the center of the back of the small box when it is facing you.
- 3). Separate each half of four Velcro pads. Affix one end of each pad to the four corners of the box on the back of the box where the hole is.
- 4). Measure the length, width and depth of the plastic box. Cut a piece of packing foam to the measured dimensions with a utility knife. Place the packing foam inside the box to ensure that it has a tight fit. Remove the foam from the box and set it aside.
- 5). Using the utility knife, cut a hole that is the shape of the watch in the center of the front side of the packing foam. Fit the watch into the foam to ensure a tight fit and that the watch does not fall from the foam.
- 6). With the screw head on the inside of the box, drive the screw through the hole in the center of it. Insert the packing foam into the box with the hole in the center facing you. Re-insert the watch into the hole at the center of the foam when the foam is in the small box.
- 7). Attach the plastic box to the record player by inserting the screw into the center of the record player. Pull the box away from the record player slightly while leaving the screw inside the player. Match the location of the Velcro pads on the back of the box by sticking the other side of the pads to the record box. Press the box to the record player so the Velcro-pads attach and hold the box security.
- 8). Turn on the record player. Adjust the speed settings so the record player is at its lowest speed. Wind the watch on the record player for approximately 12 hours.
- 9). Turn off the record player and remove the watch from the foam. Insert the watch back into the foam with the face of the watch facing the record player inside the foam. Turn on the record player with the same settings and leave the watch in its winder for an additional 12 hours.