- 1). Right-click on your taskbar, scroll your mouse over "Toolbars," and select "New Toolbar." This will open the taskbar dialog box.
- 2). Type, or copy and paste "%AppData%\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Quick Launch" (without parentheses) into the text field. Click "Select Folder."
The Quick Launch bar will appear on the right side of your taskbar. You may notice it is different than in previous versions of Windows. If you want it to look the way it used to, continue to edit the bar. - 3). Right-click on the "Quick Launch" bar. Deselect the check mark next to "Show Text" and "Show Title." This will display only the program icon, as the bar did in XP and Vista.
- 4). Click on the "Quick Launch" bar, hold your mouse button down, and drag it over to the left side of the taskbar. If you can't move it, right-click the "Taskbar" and make sure "Lock the Taskbar" isn't selected.
- 5). Add items to the Quick Launch bar by dragging their icons into the Quick Launch bar area. Remove items from the Quick Launch bar by right-clicking the program icon and choosing "Delete."
- 1). Right-click on your taskbar. Select "Properties" from the list.
- 2). Click on the dialog box tab labeled "Toolbars." Select "Quick Launch" from the list. The Quick Launch bar will appear on the left side of your taskbar.
- 3). Add programs to the Quick Launch bar by right-clicking on the program icon and selecting "Add to Quick Launch." You can also drag the program file into the Quick Launch bar.
To delete items from the Quick Launch bar, right click the icon and select "Delete."
Windows 7
Windows XP and Vista