Look your best Some people will wonder if looking pathetic will work to get an ex back, and the answer is no.
Very few people will come back based on pity.
Dress in such a way that tells them that you are taking care of yourself, but be honest when you tell them that you miss them.
Don't remark negatively on them.
When you meet, don't tell them that they look awful.
While you might be gratified to see that they've lost weight or have dark circles under their eyes, you will immediately create a hostile environment.
Don't say anything to your friends.
While it can be tempting to get your friends to put in a good word for you, you'll find that it can easily become a game of "he-said, she-said.
"You owe it to them to be direct.
Don't be a pest If they keep turning down your request for a meeting, take a hint.
You are not getting back together if they won't even look at you.
Be honest.
Call up your ex and arrange a meeting.
Don't be shy or coy about what you want to accomplish at this meeting.
Let them know that you want to get back together and explain to them what can happen, what needs to happen and what you are willing to do.
Abide by their decision.
If they say no, that's the end of it.
You can be friends, but don't expect being friends to lead back into dating them.
Maybe their mind will change someday, but for now, drop the issue and move on.
Look your best Some people will wonder if looking pathetic will work to get an ex back, and the answer is no.
Very few people will come back based on pity.
Dress in such a way that tells them that you are taking care of yourself, but be honest when you tell them that you miss them.
Don't remark negatively on them.
When you meet, don't tell them that they look awful.
While you might be gratified to see that they've lost weight or have dark circles under their eyes, you will immediately create a hostile environment.
Don't say anything to your friends.
While it can be tempting to get your friends to put in a good word for you, you'll find that it can easily become a game of "he-said, she-said.
"You owe it to them to be direct.
Don't be a pest If they keep turning down your request for a meeting, take a hint.
You are not getting back together if they won't even look at you.
Be honest.
Call up your ex and arrange a meeting.
Don't be shy or coy about what you want to accomplish at this meeting.
Let them know that you want to get back together and explain to them what can happen, what needs to happen and what you are willing to do.
Abide by their decision.
If they say no, that's the end of it.
You can be friends, but don't expect being friends to lead back into dating them.
Maybe their mind will change someday, but for now, drop the issue and move on.