Just after a breakup you can be suffering from a whole mix of emotions and often the only thought going through you head are ways to get your ex to come back again.
More often than not you don't come up with any useful ideas.
Breakups aren't exactly a new phenomena and in a way that is a good thing for many people have now looked at the problem of making up again and some methods have been proven to often work.
Here's some of the initial steps.
#1 - No one really likes people who appear desperate or needy and in fact this can be a real turn off so, however difficult it may be, you must not give this impression to your ex or you run the risk of driving them further away, probably out of reach all together.
#2 - Find out exactly what the problem was that caused the breakup in the first place.
This often is hidden under something that appears to be the problem, like cheating.
You have to be brutally honest and try to discover the truth so that it can be fixed or any reunion may be short lived.
#3 - Get out and enjoy yourself.
Not easy I know, but it's vital to try and it also is important that your ex does not see you miserable.
A happy content outlook often creates a curiosity in your ex who may seek you out again.
#4 - Don't try to contact your ex for at least several weeks or a month.
They need some time away to start missing you and if you are constantly phoning or emailing them it probably will have the opposite effect to what you hope for.
#5 - Once you do contact your ex, play it cool but friendly and it's always a good idea to tell them that you accept the breakup and realize the relationship wasn't going to work out.
This helps you to remove any potential argument and puts you on your ex's side prior to your attempts to get back together.
These steps can set the scene to allow a successful reunion provided you don't rush and are careful not to create arguments or rows.
Making up isn't about scoring points over your ex.
More often than not you don't come up with any useful ideas.
Breakups aren't exactly a new phenomena and in a way that is a good thing for many people have now looked at the problem of making up again and some methods have been proven to often work.
Here's some of the initial steps.
#1 - No one really likes people who appear desperate or needy and in fact this can be a real turn off so, however difficult it may be, you must not give this impression to your ex or you run the risk of driving them further away, probably out of reach all together.
#2 - Find out exactly what the problem was that caused the breakup in the first place.
This often is hidden under something that appears to be the problem, like cheating.
You have to be brutally honest and try to discover the truth so that it can be fixed or any reunion may be short lived.
#3 - Get out and enjoy yourself.
Not easy I know, but it's vital to try and it also is important that your ex does not see you miserable.
A happy content outlook often creates a curiosity in your ex who may seek you out again.
#4 - Don't try to contact your ex for at least several weeks or a month.
They need some time away to start missing you and if you are constantly phoning or emailing them it probably will have the opposite effect to what you hope for.
#5 - Once you do contact your ex, play it cool but friendly and it's always a good idea to tell them that you accept the breakup and realize the relationship wasn't going to work out.
This helps you to remove any potential argument and puts you on your ex's side prior to your attempts to get back together.
These steps can set the scene to allow a successful reunion provided you don't rush and are careful not to create arguments or rows.
Making up isn't about scoring points over your ex.