I know that it hurts you lost your relationship with your man and all you can think about is get guy back. But, the most important thing to do is to control your emotions and put together a plan to get him back. You mind may be fuzzy right now, but you can still get it together and go going again.
Relationships are the most important things in our lives. They hurt when they go wrong, but they are so good when they go right. That's the reason for working to get it right, because that good feeling is worth fighting for.
He has decided to end the relationship instead of working on whatever was causing a problem between you. Now, it is up to you to make a decision. You have some space, so now is the time to take a step back and look to the future.
You must make a decision
Do you really want him back? Is he worth the effort you are going to need to get him back? Look at why you broke up. What was your part in the separation? Was the break-up so bad that there is no chance of putting it back together? Is he really the kind of guy you want in your life, or are you just lonely?
If you decide that he is the right one and you are going to do the best you can to get him back then you need a plan. But, realize people do get back together every day, but sometimes it doesn't workout. Be prepared for whatever the future brings.
The first thing to do
The very first thing you must do is get your emotions in check. You will not be able to think straight, and will make mistakes when talking with him, or contacting him when you shouldn't if you do not have control of yourself. Nothing drives men away faster than their ex pestering them, bagging them to come back to them, or crying all the time. Men do not deal well with women when they are over emotional.
Next work on you
The nest step for you to do is to get your hair done, nails done and put on your makeup every time you go out. Start going out with your friends more. Get some new clothes. Do you see what I am saying? Put your best self forward. Let him see what he is missing. Seeing you at your best will make him stop to think about what he left.
Resist calling him
Don't start calling him and pestering him to see you again. Instead, just put yourself in front of him causally. Not in a way that looks like you are trying to get his attention, although you are. If you wants to talk with you, or call you, that's fine. Be cool and friendly, but not overly friendly.
Make him want to see you again. If he likes what he sees and wants to talk with you it will drive him crazy that you are not running after him and he will start running after you, again.
Following what we talked about above will get you started on the path to get guy back. There is a lot more to it that we can cover in a short article, but this should get you started.
Relationships are the most important things in our lives. They hurt when they go wrong, but they are so good when they go right. That's the reason for working to get it right, because that good feeling is worth fighting for.
He has decided to end the relationship instead of working on whatever was causing a problem between you. Now, it is up to you to make a decision. You have some space, so now is the time to take a step back and look to the future.
You must make a decision
Do you really want him back? Is he worth the effort you are going to need to get him back? Look at why you broke up. What was your part in the separation? Was the break-up so bad that there is no chance of putting it back together? Is he really the kind of guy you want in your life, or are you just lonely?
If you decide that he is the right one and you are going to do the best you can to get him back then you need a plan. But, realize people do get back together every day, but sometimes it doesn't workout. Be prepared for whatever the future brings.
The first thing to do
The very first thing you must do is get your emotions in check. You will not be able to think straight, and will make mistakes when talking with him, or contacting him when you shouldn't if you do not have control of yourself. Nothing drives men away faster than their ex pestering them, bagging them to come back to them, or crying all the time. Men do not deal well with women when they are over emotional.
Next work on you
The nest step for you to do is to get your hair done, nails done and put on your makeup every time you go out. Start going out with your friends more. Get some new clothes. Do you see what I am saying? Put your best self forward. Let him see what he is missing. Seeing you at your best will make him stop to think about what he left.
Resist calling him
Don't start calling him and pestering him to see you again. Instead, just put yourself in front of him causally. Not in a way that looks like you are trying to get his attention, although you are. If you wants to talk with you, or call you, that's fine. Be cool and friendly, but not overly friendly.
Make him want to see you again. If he likes what he sees and wants to talk with you it will drive him crazy that you are not running after him and he will start running after you, again.
Following what we talked about above will get you started on the path to get guy back. There is a lot more to it that we can cover in a short article, but this should get you started.