2 methods to get your ex girlfriend back may seem impossible to you right now but believe me it is entirely possible to do so.
So let me get right into it so that you can start getting your life back together as it should be.
1) Be Strong Now you know very well that 95% of the time a woman will always refer to you as "not being a man".
We know this sucks since we all consider us to be men.
The thing is however, whether we are men or not, this would be a great time to prove it.
In other words do not be a wuss.
Yelling, crying, begging, pleading, banging on her door at some god forsaken hour and going around to all of her friends with your sad story will in no way shape or form ever come across as being manly! Suck it up! You want to cry? Do it behind closed doors.
Work out your frustrations at the gym for gods sake and do not spill your guts to her or all her friends.
Sooner or later it will get back to her and she will be using one word to describe you.
Unless the truth is you do not really want to get your ex girl friend back! 2) Be Flexible Listen.
Here is where your pride can get the best of most of you.
Now is not the time to stick to your guns.
Think about it, now is not the time to be making any demands or issuing any ultimatums.
This is the time to sympathize and empathize, not to the extent of being a total pushover, but just enough to let her know that you are listening to her and showing her the proper respect she deserves.
Remember you still have to be strong.
Just try to balance it so that she does not think that you are some kind of idiot.
Use these two methods not only to get back but also to keep her here and I promise you you got it made.
So let me get right into it so that you can start getting your life back together as it should be.
1) Be Strong Now you know very well that 95% of the time a woman will always refer to you as "not being a man".
We know this sucks since we all consider us to be men.
The thing is however, whether we are men or not, this would be a great time to prove it.
In other words do not be a wuss.
Yelling, crying, begging, pleading, banging on her door at some god forsaken hour and going around to all of her friends with your sad story will in no way shape or form ever come across as being manly! Suck it up! You want to cry? Do it behind closed doors.
Work out your frustrations at the gym for gods sake and do not spill your guts to her or all her friends.
Sooner or later it will get back to her and she will be using one word to describe you.
Unless the truth is you do not really want to get your ex girl friend back! 2) Be Flexible Listen.
Here is where your pride can get the best of most of you.
Now is not the time to stick to your guns.
Think about it, now is not the time to be making any demands or issuing any ultimatums.
This is the time to sympathize and empathize, not to the extent of being a total pushover, but just enough to let her know that you are listening to her and showing her the proper respect she deserves.
Remember you still have to be strong.
Just try to balance it so that she does not think that you are some kind of idiot.
Use these two methods not only to get back but also to keep her here and I promise you you got it made.