Everyone has been there for you since your break up.
They just wish you weren't feeling so down and so depressed about the whole situation.
The only way for you to see light on the other side of the tunnel is by getting your ex back.
You've not had the motivation to do anything.
You stay in constantly and have become quite unsociable.
You're constantly thinking about how you're going to get your ex back rather than think about your life more.
It's human nature that you're feeling like this.
Everyone feels the same after you're break up; even your ex! But at the end of the day, you are only making things worse for yourself.
By constantly feeling down, you're only portraying a weak self.
This is not an attractive quality to have.
Your ex does not want to see you feeling down and upset all of the time.
Try and change the way you think by thinking more positively.
Think about what you want in life; your goals, your visions and your dreams.
Thinking positive will help you take the next important step to get your ex back.
Try not to let things get to you that you're constantly crying if someone mentions your ex's name.
Remain positive and think about the good things in life.
If people mention the break up to you don't ignore it, say that it was for the best and you needed a change in life.
By constantly thinking in a positive light will help you in all sorts of different ways.
If you see your ex, ask how they are.
Make sure you look amazing and I bet you that you will get a call sooner or later...
Is it him?!
They just wish you weren't feeling so down and so depressed about the whole situation.
The only way for you to see light on the other side of the tunnel is by getting your ex back.
You've not had the motivation to do anything.
You stay in constantly and have become quite unsociable.
You're constantly thinking about how you're going to get your ex back rather than think about your life more.
It's human nature that you're feeling like this.
Everyone feels the same after you're break up; even your ex! But at the end of the day, you are only making things worse for yourself.
By constantly feeling down, you're only portraying a weak self.
This is not an attractive quality to have.
Your ex does not want to see you feeling down and upset all of the time.
Try and change the way you think by thinking more positively.
Think about what you want in life; your goals, your visions and your dreams.
Thinking positive will help you take the next important step to get your ex back.
Try not to let things get to you that you're constantly crying if someone mentions your ex's name.
Remain positive and think about the good things in life.
If people mention the break up to you don't ignore it, say that it was for the best and you needed a change in life.
By constantly thinking in a positive light will help you in all sorts of different ways.
If you see your ex, ask how they are.
Make sure you look amazing and I bet you that you will get a call sooner or later...
Is it him?!