Being self opinionated, critical and judgmental are three sure ways of seeing a relationship dissolve! If your ex has been refusing to have anything to do with you, maybe you have given him/her reason! Then again, it could be because your ex is bitter and cannot find the forgiveness in his/her heart for you.
Whatever the reason, there are ways to change this situation and come out triumphant! Do a reality check - The first thing would be to admit to your faults and the mistakes you made in your relationship that could have been paramount in causing your ex to walk away.
Once you have done that, the next step would be to try and put right the wrongs.
Slowly and subtly you would have to show your ex that you are sorry and have changed for the better.
Apologize - Saying "sorry" does seem to have a magical effect on an unforgiving heart.
They say that love and forgiveness covers a multitude of sins! If your ex can see that you are truly sorry for your part in the break up he/she may learn to start trusting you again.
Saying sorry is the first step towards reconciliation.
Groom yourself - Make sure you look amazing at all times.
If your ex keeps bumping into a new and exciting you, he/she is going to sit up and take notice.
Look happy! - Always portray a happy and confident nature.
You have to show your ex that harboring ill feelings towards you is only hurting him/her! Set an example - If you communicate feelings of love and forgiveness towards your ex, it may show him/her that you are more mature than he/she is.
Show your ex that you are willing to forget the past and are willing to start afresh.
Your ex is going to feel like a "heel" if he still harbors bitter feelings towards you when you refuse to play the 'blame game ' any more.
Whatever the reason, there are ways to change this situation and come out triumphant! Do a reality check - The first thing would be to admit to your faults and the mistakes you made in your relationship that could have been paramount in causing your ex to walk away.
Once you have done that, the next step would be to try and put right the wrongs.
Slowly and subtly you would have to show your ex that you are sorry and have changed for the better.
Apologize - Saying "sorry" does seem to have a magical effect on an unforgiving heart.
They say that love and forgiveness covers a multitude of sins! If your ex can see that you are truly sorry for your part in the break up he/she may learn to start trusting you again.
Saying sorry is the first step towards reconciliation.
Groom yourself - Make sure you look amazing at all times.
If your ex keeps bumping into a new and exciting you, he/she is going to sit up and take notice.
Look happy! - Always portray a happy and confident nature.
You have to show your ex that harboring ill feelings towards you is only hurting him/her! Set an example - If you communicate feelings of love and forgiveness towards your ex, it may show him/her that you are more mature than he/she is.
Show your ex that you are willing to forget the past and are willing to start afresh.
Your ex is going to feel like a "heel" if he still harbors bitter feelings towards you when you refuse to play the 'blame game ' any more.