Life is about transitioning from one thing to another.
From work to play.
From loud to quiet.
From responsibility to fun.
We are constantly having to transition from one place to another, from one state of mind to another, from one set of rules to another.
The trick is to learn how to make a transition smooth.
It is essential that we experience change.
Change is what keeps us alive.
If we cannot accept change then the transitions we face will be fraught with anxiety.
If we cannot enjoy change then the transitions we face will be emotionally and physically painful.
Remember this: Change will come.
transition will be inevitable.
You have a choice:
If you accept that change is going to come, then you are more able to handle it when confronted by it.
If you allow change to be viewed as a positive experience, a learning experience, a growing experience, then that change can be easily accepted and hopefully enjoyed.
Stop being surprised by the inevitable transitions in life.
Start sailing through the transitions you face.
Be flexible.
As much as we all wish that we could find a life of perfection, a world of peace, a partner who was perfect, a job that we loved, a system that was fair to all, and an ability to know exactly when we should do what, life is not like that - we may encounter momentary perfection, or even periods of pure bliss, just as we face times of trouble and hours of irritation, but all in all we have to be truthful with ourselves and allow the changes to help us grow, we must view the changes as part of reality, we must accept the changes as par for the course and essential for us not to end up as a stagnant and one dimensional human being.
If we allow reality to flourish then we live with that as our barometer, and by so doing we learn to accept, relish and enjoy the changes and transitions we face.
Guy Blews
From work to play.
From loud to quiet.
From responsibility to fun.
We are constantly having to transition from one place to another, from one state of mind to another, from one set of rules to another.
The trick is to learn how to make a transition smooth.
- A smooth transition requires flexibility of mind.
- A smooth transition requires acceptance of change.
- A smooth transition requires the ability to relax and let it flow.
It is essential that we experience change.
Change is what keeps us alive.
If we cannot accept change then the transitions we face will be fraught with anxiety.
If we cannot enjoy change then the transitions we face will be emotionally and physically painful.
Remember this: Change will come.
transition will be inevitable.
You have a choice:
- You can either turn the transition into a nightmare...
- Or see transition as an opportunity to learn and grow.
If you accept that change is going to come, then you are more able to handle it when confronted by it.
If you allow change to be viewed as a positive experience, a learning experience, a growing experience, then that change can be easily accepted and hopefully enjoyed.
Stop being surprised by the inevitable transitions in life.
Start sailing through the transitions you face.
Be flexible.
As much as we all wish that we could find a life of perfection, a world of peace, a partner who was perfect, a job that we loved, a system that was fair to all, and an ability to know exactly when we should do what, life is not like that - we may encounter momentary perfection, or even periods of pure bliss, just as we face times of trouble and hours of irritation, but all in all we have to be truthful with ourselves and allow the changes to help us grow, we must view the changes as part of reality, we must accept the changes as par for the course and essential for us not to end up as a stagnant and one dimensional human being.
If we allow reality to flourish then we live with that as our barometer, and by so doing we learn to accept, relish and enjoy the changes and transitions we face.
Guy Blews