Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make a Paracord River Bar Bracelet

How to Make a Paracord River Bar Bracelet

Survivalists make bracelets and other items from paracord to store lengths of cord on their person in case they need it. Using bright, contrasting colors and a variety of weaves or knots allows you to make interesting, decorative bracelets and other items that also serve as accessories. The river ba

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Japanese Braid

How to Japanese Braid

Japanese braid, also called Kumihimo, uses a simple foam or cardboard disc to support and organize your strands. The braid weaves many strands of cord, ribbon or even wire to create the braid. You can choose any number of strands that is divisible by four. So, four, eight, twelve or sixteen strands

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make Reed for Weaving

How to Make Reed for Weaving

Quit buying basketry reed from the craft store. Tap in to ancient traditions of basket weaving by making your own reed from the wealth of wild plants around you. When people ask you about your craftsmanship, you will blow them away when you tell them you collected and dried the reeds yourself. A var

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make Paper With a Deckle

How to Make Paper With a Deckle

Making paper from scratch involves collecting, cooking and beating plant materials into pulp; forming paper sheets; and pressing and drying the paper. In the Western sheet formation technique, paper is created using two frames: a mold, which is a frame with a fixed screen to catch pulp or paper mixe

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Dye Wood With Food Color

How to Dye Wood With Food Color

Many children's and pet toys on the market come in bright attractive colors, but you are not always sure how safe those brilliant paints and stains are. If you want to provide wooden toys for your kids, or playthings and chew toys for your gerbil or bird, but would like to know they are safe as well

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Flip-Flop Decorating Ideas

Flip-Flop Decorating Ideas

Decorating flip-flops is the perfect summer craft that can be an outdoor activity for kids of any age. The flip-flops are inexpensive and come in an array of colors. Pair flip-flop decorating with a summer birthday party and kids have favors they can take home when they are done.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make an Indian Craft Necklace

How to Make an Indian Craft Necklace

Perhaps you are a mom looking for a craft activity that your children can do at home. Or maybe you're an elementary school teacher searching for a way to get your students interested in learning about American Indians. In either case, having children make their own American Indian necklace is one ac

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Grants for Weaving

Grants for Weaving

Weavinghand weaving loom image by green308 from Fotolia.comWeaving is the textile art in which two distinct sets of yarns, called the warp and weft, form a tissue or cloth. The fabric is woven on a loom. The majority of woven products are created with plain weave, satin or twill fabric....

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Vend in EssenceRO

How to Vend in EssenceRO

Like every other Ragnarok Online server, a player may sell his items to others by using the "Vending" skill in EssenceRO. To learn Vending, a character must be a "Merchant." "Merchants" are the only characters in the game who are able to vend items to other players. If you do not have a "Merchant,"

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Crochet Fascinators

How to Crochet Fascinators

A fascinator is a large hair accessory attached to a snapping hair clip or a headband. Wear a fascinator on your wedding day or any other day of the year that you want to add that extra little bit of pizzazz to your wardrobe. Crochet a fascinator in a variety of ways, including using a flower or a s

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make a Dried Orange Garland

How to Make a Dried Orange Garland

Dried fruit garland, especially those with dehydrated orange slices is a festive decor idea for the holidays. Also used for potpourri, dried orange slices fill your decorated room with fresh citrus scents while providing a homemade, primitive and country look to your Christmas tree, archway or banis

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Video: Types of Brushes for Oil Painting

Video: Types of Brushes for Oil Painting

Video Transcript I use an assortment of brushes. I love painting large as well as small. These are brushes I use on the small scale paintings. A bristle filbert brush... a little bit longer than and a bit rounded as compared to a flat. This is a flat. These two are larger for this...

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: Activities With Symmetry in Snowflakes

Activities With Symmetry in Snowflakes

Symmetry is an easy-to-understand concept, but formal definitions of symmetry contain terms that young students find difficult to comprehend. Hands-on practice helps students understand whether or not an object or design is symmetrical. Using snowflake shapes for such activities gives you the opport

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make a Lombardi Trophy Out of Styrofoam

How to Make a Lombardi Trophy Out of Styrofoam

Making your own Vince Lombardi trophy out of Styrofoam is pretty easy, as it is just two polygons attached to each other. The base is a acute pyramid and the football is just a three-dimensional oval. You can replicate the silver finish with some silver spray paint. The project will take around an h

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: DIY LED Light


Light-emitting diodes are commonly seen in our everyday lives. These small devices use less electricity than similarly sized incandescent lights. For that reason, LEDs are used for applications such as indicator lights and flashlights.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make Hammered Jump Rings

How to Make Hammered Jump Rings

Jump rings are small, split-metal circles made of round wire that are used to fasten clasps and add pendants and other focal points to jewelry. Hammering a jump ring flattens it and gives it texture. Hammered jump rings are simple to create.

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make Bracelets From Plastic Strips

How to Make Bracelets From Plastic Strips

If you want a colorful bracelet and you have a few spare plastic bags in your kitchen, try making a bracelet out of them. This is a frugal way to make your own jewelry and also a way to prevent the plastic bags from being thrown away. The process is very simple and gives you the creative freedom of

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make a Tetherball Set

How to Make a Tetherball Set

Tetherball has long been a staple on elementary school playgrounds, but many kids and adults enjoy the game just as much at home. Making your own tetherball set is not very time consuming or difficult, and you need only a few items. Follow these steps and you can soon have a tetherball court up an

Society & Culture  & Entertainment: How to Make Japanese Cards

How to Make Japanese Cards

Japanese-style cards have an air of exotic elegance that set the tone for invitations to a formal celebration or add a touch of sincerity to thank-you cards and birthday greetings. Though it may be difficult to find Japanese cards that fit your style in the stores, you can solve this problem by maki