Business & Finance Advertising & sales & Marketing

Building a Squeeze Page That Sucks in Sign Ups

One of the main strategies used by successful internet marketers is the squeeze page.
If you don't know what one of these is its a page that only allows the reader 1 of 2 options.
Either they enter their details or they leave.
Some marketers are not fans and are worried that they might offend their visitors.
This is a risk, but usually only because they haven't constructed it correctly.
The basic idea of a squeeze page is to get the reader to give their name and email address.
The trick is to give the reader a strong enough "why".
If you can't give a strong enough "why" then the chances are you probably will offend them.
No one wants to give details for nothing.
The "why" will often come in the form of free information you are giving away in return for the customer details.
In the case of internet marketers it will probably be an eBook or report.
Perhaps about affiliate marketing, list building or maybe even how to build a successful squeeze page.
Your sales pitch needs to be good enough to convince the visitor that what you are offering is information they really need.
Information that has the potential to fulfill the gap in their knowledge of a particular subject.
The other thing to remember about those people who may get offended by being asked straight out for their particulars is the chances are they wouldn't have bought anyway.
If they are not prepared to give their name and email address now there's an extremely good chance they wouldn't get their credit card out for you later.
The other side of this is people who give their details straight out for a free piece of information will probably in the near future, once your relationship has had time to grow and trust established, get their credit cards out for you.
The key thing to remember about a squeeze page is that its a mini sales letter and you need to sell yourself and your information, but remember you need to back up that sales pitch with good information.
Even though the information is free when it comes to paying for something from you they will probably think, "Hell the info this guy or girl gave me was great and it was free, how much better is going to be when they charge for it, probably 10 times better.
I'm buying from them".
And out comes the wallet.
Keep the squeeze page simple and don't write too fancy.
Keep it simple and to the point, but don't be shy about how great the information you are offering is.
Finally make sure you are selling the solution to their problem, they want this information to solve a problem or need, make sure you let them know it will do this and you will have a squeeze page that sucks in (that's good though!).
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