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Know What Is Stopping Your Book From Being Bestseller: The Book Publishing Errors

When writing a book, one of the thoughts in authors relates with seeing their book with the stamp of €bestselling book'. However, only few could see this dream turning into reality. Do you know what stops the book from being call best selling? Yes, there are several mistakes that can obstructs in the way of your book to become the best seller. Let us look at the mistakes that are associated with book publishing.

1. Printing the book with bad cover design
If the cover of your book has a bad design and you are still publishing or printing it, then it is your biggest mistake. Covers are definitely important, as these tell the readers for what can they expect in the book. An experienced book printing expert shares his experience regarding book covers. He says, €Covers are more important than ever now that so many books are sold online. Your cover needs to attract a reader in the thumbnail view, which means it's important to understand concepts like typography and color palettes.€

Expert's suggestion: Other than checking the relevancy, appropriateness and X-factor in the cover, you must also check the preview of cover design in thumbnail (for testing it for online book stores). Make sure that it is possible to read the text, and if not, you should consult the graphic designer.

2. Ignoring the Title
Titles are very important for e-books specially. If the title is not captivating, engaging, or relevant, then the book would not rise on the ladder of success and you will find difficulty to sell your book. So, make sure that the title is perfect from every aspect.

Expert's suggestions: Including keyword in the title is important. This makes e-books easily searchable online.

3. Not doing proper editing:
If you will give your readers a book that is full of mistakes, grammatical errors, or irrelevant sentence structure, then it would not just affect the performance of your writing but also your career as a writer or self publisher as well. You have to make sure that the book is thoroughly edited and corrected for every minor mistake. A publisher says, €Misspellings, grammatical errors and typos can lead to bad reviews that cannot be removed, resulting in loss of credibility with readers.€

Expert's suggestions: If necessary, taking expert's services for proof reading is smarter than giving an error loaded book.

4. Neglecting the goodness of book description:
How much value do you give to the book description? Do you think that it doesn't matter much, if the description is good? Several people think it this way but this is wrong. Instead, a book description is very important for promotion. €The description is your final opportunity to grab the attention of potential readers and convince them to click and buy,€ says an expert. €Spend time on this element, or spend money on a copy editor to write it.€
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